Activists on both sides mark one-year anniversary of abortion vote

A year ago today, the Senate rejected by seven votes a measure to legalise abortion in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. The battle, however, is far from over.

Protesters demonstrate in favour and against abortion reform in Buenos Aires. Foto: NA/NA

Activists on both sides of the country's abortion debate commemorated on Thursday the one-year anniversary of the Senate's vote to strike down a measure to legalising abortion. 

Utilising the hashtag "#LaClandestinidadNoSeFesteja" ("Don't celebrate clandestinity," a reference to clandestine abortions), activists in favour of the legalization of abortion chastised "pro-life" groups for celebrating the anniversary. The activists reiterated their demand for a law to decriminalise the procedure across the entire country, which they view as a necessity for public health. 

Meanwhile, a demonstration by anti-abortion groups in front of Congress, which started at 6pm, included musical acts and speakers with an explicit partisan slant, criticising politicians known to support abortion reform and calling on voters to support candidates who opposeit. 

"Despite the fact that people protested an infinite number of times in a continued form, taking to the streets and all public spaces here and in the interior of the country, it culminated in a rejection by the Senate," said Raúl Magnasco, president of Más Vida, an anti-abortion group. "But new attempts to decriminalise abortion continue to appear." 

"Legal abortion is a meeting and accompaniment, an extended hand to another as a result of a genealogy of respect for our autonomy, liberties and right to decide," said organisations supporting legalised abortion in a press release. "It is our password without borders. We are going to continue fighting until it is law."