Axel Kicillof uses Loyalty Day speech to call for Peronist unity

Buenos Aires Province governor was the only speaker at the event celebrating Peronist Loyalty Day and the life of Juan Perón. Brushing aside non-appearance from La Cámpora, Kicillof calls for unity and harshly criticised President Javier Milei.

Buenos Aires Province Governor Axel Kicillof delivers a speech to mark Loyalty Day in Berisso. Foto: NA

Buenos Aires Province Governor Axel Kicillof called for Peronism to unite against President Javier Milei’s government as he delivered a speech to mark Loyalty Day in Berisso on Thursday.

Kicillof, 53, called on his allies and peers to “write the future” and offer an alternative to the austerity and fierce spending cutbacks introduced by President Javier Milei since taking office.

The governor then made the case for a political movement that is looking for a reset after suffering a morale-denting defeat to Milei in last year’s election.

He called on supporters to look forward, not back, and to put internal tensions to one side.

"Peronism transformed the minds, hearts and economy of the country," declared Kicillof in his speech, vowing that the party would return to government. 

"If anyone thinks that we are here to remember the past, they are wrong. We are here to write the future," he said.

The October 17 celebrations saw Kicillof – perhaps the strongest contender to lead a united Peronist front into next year’s midterms – accompanied by key figures from the CGT umbrella union group and top mayors from the Partido Justicialista.

Crucially, however, there was no formal representation from the ranks of the La Cámpora, the powerful Kirchnerite political youth grouping.

Tensions between the camps, despite Kicillof’s historic loyalty to ex-president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, is rising. The governor has yet to endorse his former boss’ candidacy for the national presidency of the Partido Justicialista, which she has indicated she will seek.

"You will never see me looking for divisions. While Milei divides, we add, while he lies, we tell the people the truth," said Kicillof, attempting to play down divisions.

"On October 17, we celebrate the fight we are putting up, the certainty and conviction that Milei's disaster will not last forever," declared Kicillof at the beginning of his speech.

He then trained his ire on President Milei, criticising the head of state’s approach to government.

"In this 21st century, those who gave the transforming force back to Peronism were [former presidents] Néstor [Kirchner] and Cristina," he said, seeking to improve relations with the former vice-president.

"Without social justice, the only freedom that advances is that of the rich," said Kicillof, slamming Milei.

Criticising cuts to the state higher education budget, the governor accused the President of not wanting “kids to progress.”

“They want to deprive millions of Argentinians who need the state,” he declared.

Addressing Milei directly, Kicillof told the head of state to “stop lying” with his rhetoric and hurting the most impoverished sectors of society.

“The caste is not the people. If you want to harm the caste, look at the Casa Rosada. Stop screwing the people", he asked Milei.

As the governor delivered his speech, the trident of general secretaries that leads the CGT – Héctor Daer, Juan Carlos Schmit and Pablo Moyano – stood onstage, showing their support for Kicillof.

Moyano, the deputy secretary general of Camioneros (Teamsters) union, is seen as the closest of the three to Kirchnerism, but he decided to attend Kicillof’s act to project unity. 

Earlier this week, he said the “enemy” is President Javier Milei’s government, not anyone from the Peronist ranks.

A number of other top trade union leaders were also in attendance.

The governor was also accompanied by Avellaneda Mayor Jorge Ferraresi, who is openly working for a Kicillof presidential candidacy in 2027, and local mayor Fabián Cagliardi.