ANALYSIS Milei feels the heat of the $LIBRA scandal Today 07:18 Milei is doubling down. Not only does he deny any wrongdoing, he’s also trying to push forward with his own agenda. by Agustino Fontevecchia
Analysing Argentina Flooding the zone might drown the Milei administration Today 05:24 The fragility of Argentina’s economy demands sobriety and steadiness — something that zone-flooders may lack as they attempt to sow confusion. by Marcelo J. García
CRIME & SECURITY Milei tells Kicillof to resign over Buenos Aires Province ‘bloodbath’ Yesterday 15:46 Opposition expresses outrage as President Javier Milei calls on Buenos Aires Province Governor Axel Kicillof to resign in response to shocking killing of seven-year-old.
POLITICS ‘La ruta del dinero Karina’? Probing the reports of dirty Milei money Yesterday 10:00 Javier Milei’s government is undergoing its worst crisis yet, with questions and speculation over ‘Cryptogate’ and reports of shady characters wanting cash for access to the President. Behind the La Libertad Avanza leader, there is one person who runs everything related to him: his sister, Karina. by Juan Luis González
$LIBRA SCANDAL Counterfeiting and cult murder: Family behind Milei memecoin has chequered past 26-02-2025 18:25 Hayden Davis is at centre of presidential scandal; His family has a chequered past involving rime, prison, fake identities and even a polygamist cult.
FINANCE & BANKING Court halts transformation of Banco Nación into limited company 26-02-2025 18:06 Judge suspends implementation of decree from President Javier Milei seeking to transform state-owned Banco Nación into a limited company.
POLITICS & CONGRESS President plans primetime speech, slaps limits on press coverage 26-02-2025 11:40 La Libertad Avanza leader again moves opening of Legislative Assembly to evening and will address nation via ‘Cadena Nacional’ broadcast; For the first time in history, government refuses to admit photographers and introduces restrictions on space for press.
POLITICS Rodríguez Larreta says he will return to frontline politics 25-02-2025 17:18 Former Buenos Aires City mayor and failed presidential candidate to stand as candidate in upcoming elections “as a lawmaker, as a deputy or as a senator.”
INTERVIEW / PERIODISMO PURO Alberto Fernández: ‘Milei has the problem of being completely dogmatic’ 23-02-2025 06:08 In the final part of a feature interview, former president Alberto Fernández discusses the insurance corruption allegations he faces in the courts, President Javier Milei, Peronism and his relationship with Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. by Jorge Fontevecchia
Editorial La $Libra no avanza 22-02-2025 06:05 There can be no excuse for a President turning into an influencer for such a risky venture. A trained economist should always check the facts before reaching conclusions.
POLITICS & CONGRESS Senate suspends primary vote in reprieve for Milei 20-02-2025 23:49 Senate backs move to suspend primary elections for this year’s midterm vote, handing President Javier Milei a welcome political victory.
CONGRESS & POLITICS Boost for Milei as Senate backs suspension of PASO primaries 20-02-2025 23:46 Milei administration wins support to approve a bill to eliminate PASO primaries for this year’s elections; Victory for government in middle of crypto scandal. by James Grainger
'Cryptogate' Scandal Milei orders Anti-Corruption Office to launch '$LIBRA' probe 20-02-2025 11:08 Opposition lawmakers push for a congressional commission to investigate President Javier Milei's conduct in scandal; UCR senator Pablo Blanco leading initiative, with support from Kirchnerism, some sectors of PRO and provincial leaders.
‘CRYPTOGATE’ SCANDAL Investigation to probe Milei’s conduct over 'cryptogate' 17-02-2025 15:34 Judge María Servini assigned probe into President’s conduct in launch of ‘$LIBRA’ cryptocurrency; Government announces its own investigation into scandal.
FEATURE INTERVIEW Alberto Fernández: ‘Fabiola has not grasped the dimensions of what she is saying’ 15-02-2025 06:00 In the first half of a two-part interview, former president Alberto Fernández addresses the gender violence and psychological mistreatment allegations made against him by his ex-partner Fabiola Yáñez. by Jorge Fontevecchia
POLITICS & COURTS Government sets March target for Supreme Court appointments 13-02-2025 13:41 Casa Rosada is seeking consensus for nominees Ariel Lijo and Manuel García-Mansilla and its bid to appoint them to the nation’s highest court. But should support be lacking, it may resort to using decrees. by Juan Pablo Kavanagh
POLITICS ‘Iron triangle’ joy as Santiago Caputo formally joins La Libertad Avanza 08-02-2025 08:53 President Milei’s key advisor Santiago Caputo now formally affiliated with La Libertad Avanza; Photos published marking event send clear message to rest of ruling party.
POLITICS Karina’s cull: Milei’s campaign loyalists shut out of inner circle 08-02-2025 06:13 Many of the men and women who accompanied President Javier Milei from the start of his political journey are no longer around; Ramiro Marra’s exit from La Libertad Avanza is the latest example of Karina Milei flexing her muscles.
Analysing Argentina Can Kicillof break the spell? 08-02-2025 06:11 If the current political trajectory stands, Kicillof would face an uphill battle … but Argentina has shown in recent years that "impossible" is not in the local political dictionary. by Marcelo J. García
Politics – Analysis Milei the copycat 08-02-2025 06:06 Pegging Argentina’s foreign policy to the United States is a risky strategy. by Agustino Fontevecchia
CONGRESS & POLITICS Congress backs Milei’s bid to suspend primary vote 07-02-2025 10:18 Lower house votes to suspend a primary election for this year’s midterm vote.
CONGRESS & POLITICS Government steers PASO suspension through Chamber of Deputies 06-02-2025 21:44 Milei administration wins support to approve a bill that would eliminate PASO primaries for this year’s elections.
TRUMP & MILEI Five ways in which Javier Milei has mirrored Donald Trump 05-02-2025 21:18 President Javier Milei has made clear his admiration for Donald Trump by liberally borrowing from the US president's playbook.
Politics Milei accuses Fernández de Kirchner in pension fraud row 04-02-2025 18:10 Human Capital Ministry, through ANSES social security agency, accuses ex-president of fraud in row over pension payments and her residence in Argentina’s south. State reveals Cristina Fernández de Kirchner receives monthly 6.35 million pesos.
GOVERNMENT & POLITICS Milei government to target state bodies with ‘mega decree’ 04-02-2025 16:58 Next stage of President Javeir Milei’s “chainsaw” cuts to state infrastructure could see closure or merger of some 50 government agencies and bodies, according to Casa Rosada source.
COURTS Alberto Fernández appears in court to challenge judge 04-02-2025 08:16 Presenting himself before appeals court judge Roberto Boico, veteran Peronist ex-president Alberto Fernández appears in court to denounce Judge Julián Ercolini’s "manifest hostility" towards him in insurance corruption case.
Marcha Federal del Orgullo Antifascista y Antirracista Demonstrators challenge Milei with march in defence of diversity 02-02-2025 08:12 President Javier Milei's "anti-woke" remarks at Davos and pushback against diversity policies condemned by protesters in Buenos Aires, dozens of sites nationwide and expats overseas.
HUMAN RIGHTS Pro-LGBT+ protesters defend diversity with march against Milei 01-02-2025 09:21 Activists take to the streets later today for the 'Marcha Federal del Orgullo Antifascista y Antirracista LGTBQI+,' in condemnation of President Javier Milei's recent remarks tat the World Economic Forum in Davos.
POLITICS – ANALYSIS From PRO to Cambiemos… to Juntos por el Cambio or Juntos? 01-02-2025 08:56 Milei’s first year in office has indicated the need for the ex-members of Juntos por el Cambio to recover their identity. by Jorge Fontevecchia
Analysing Argentina Macri is fighting for his life – he will lose 01-02-2025 08:48 Mauricio Macri is making a desperate attempt to keep his political structure alive — and under his wing. by Marcelo J. García
Politics Karina’s influence evident as La Libertad Avanza expels Ramiro Marra 30-01-2025 18:47 La Libertad Avanza announces one of the party’s longest-serving members, Ramira Marra, has been expelled from its caucus in City Legislature after voting for “unacceptable” tax increase.
NEW LEGAL BEAGLE Santiago María Castro Videla named as new Treasury legal chief 29-01-2025 15:37 Presidential Spokesperson Manuel Adorni confirms administrative law specialist and Austral University professor Santiago María Castro Videla has been named as new Treasury attorney-general, replacing departing Rodolfo Barra.
GOVERNMENT & POLITICS Milei wants right-wing forum as restarts ‘chainsaw’ 28-01-2025 11:27 La Libertad Avanza leader wants to be the beacon for a movement of right-wing leaders with whom he shares ideological common ground. He will deepen the “cultural battle” in Argentina and move forward with deeper cuts at public companies, prompting a new wave of redundancies in time for the October midterms. by Juan Pablo Kavanagh
POLITICS & CONGRESS Government renews push for 'Ficha Limpia' anti-graft bill 18-01-2025 13:40 President Javier Milei sends so-called 'Clean Record' bill to Congress; If passed, the bill would block former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner from seeking office in 2025 midterms.
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Milei's Marxist culture wars 18-01-2025 06:33 The rise of characters such as Donald Trump in the US, and Milei here in Argentina, is directly tied to their level of political incorrectness and they’ve become equally savage in pushing culturally as far as they can in the other direction. by Agustino Fontevecchia
POLITICS Karina Milei fancies midterms clash against Cristina Fernández de Kirchner 15-01-2025 15:29 Rumour mill cranks into overdrive as talk of midterms showdown between president’s sister and former head of state in Buenos Aires Province ramps up; La Libertad Avanza Senator Sebastián Pareja and Lower House Speaker Martín Menem among those pushing for a Karina candidacy.
Editorial Flotsam and jetsam not always adrift 11-01-2025 06:39 While so much could happen in the country and the world in the next nine months, everything now points to the midterms going Milei’s way, even if it will be a relative victory.
Analysing Argentina Main Street and Milei Street 11-01-2025 06:26 any process of economic transformation, like the one President Javier Milei is trying to implement, will have winners and losers. by Marcelo J. García
DEATH OF ALBERTO NISMAN A decade on, prosecutors conclude Alberto Nisman was killed 10-01-2025 11:22 Eight days before the 10th anniversary of his death, a new report concludes that late special prosecutor Alberto Nisman was killed for investigating alleged cover-up of the perpetrators of AMIA terrorist bombing in 1994.
POLITICS Macri tells Milei he’s ready to team up for midterms 09-01-2025 21:13 Former president uses social media to respond to head of state’s flirting and tells him PRO is “ready to form a work team with whoever you offer.”
Analysing Argentina May you live in happy times, Mr President 04-01-2025 07:54 Much of this success hinges on the Pax at the exchange rate market. Prices in Argentina dance to the tune of one price: that of the US dollar. by Marcelo J. García
Editorial The year ahead 04-01-2025 06:24 An electoral year already anticipated well in advance offers no clearer horizons now that it has started.
end-of-year editorial So long to 2024... and welcome to 2025 28-12-2024 16:41 The Milei presidency begins this year riding the crest of a wave but neither the rest of the world nor the existence of black swans can be ignored and nor is the economy the only issue.
PLAN BACKFIRES? Initial results from Milei’s ‘exam’ for state workers show 96% pass rate 22-12-2024 00:49 Although only 10% of state workers have taken the Milei administration’s new test to date, the good results have led their ATE union to demand employees’ transfer to permanent employment, while calling for ministers, secretaries and directors to be similarly evaluated.
ENERGY & GAS Milei vows to promote nuclear energy in Argentina 21-12-2024 11:37 President vows to install nuclear reactors to power artificial intelligence servers across Argentina.
EDITORIAL The near in blood, the nearer bloody 21-12-2024 05:07 Time to stop being the snake biting its own tail and return to being the libertarian lion against the caste instead of co-opting it.
BRAZILIAN POLITICS Brazil's 2026 elections, without Lula or Bolsonaro? 21-12-2024 04:46 Brazil's 2026 presidential election may offer a field of candidates featuring neither incumbent Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva nor far-right rival Jair Bolsonaro – a novel scenario for Argentina's giant neighbour.
POLITICS & COURTS Supreme Ct declares Insfrán’s indefinite re-election in Formosa unconstitutional 19-12-2024 19:02 The top tribunal unanimously ruled against unlimited re-election, blocking plans by Peronist governor to extend his term in power past 30-year mark.
BRAZILIAN POLITICS Geraldo Alckmin, Lula’s rival-turned-vice-president, finds himself in unwanted limelight 19-12-2024 08:17 For decades, he was President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s political rival. Now his boss’s health issues have put Geraldo Alckmin at the centre of questions about Brazil’s future.
CRISTINA & THE COURTS The trials that could block Cristina Fernández Kirchner from office 17-12-2024 15:00 The former president and vice-president faces four sets of legal proceedings in the courts; Cristina Fernández de Kirchner must stand trial in the ‘Hotesur-Los Sauces’ case, alongside her son, with other trials relating to the Memorandum of Understanding with Iran and sweeping ‘Cuadernos’ graft trial. ‘Vialidad’ ruling also expected in 2025.