Sunday, October 6, 2024

ARGENTINA | 07-06-2024 17:54

Poll: 16 percent of youths in Argentina admit to having gambled online

Gambling addiction is skyrocketing among youths – in the week a bill seeking to restrict minors' access to betting sites reaches committee stage in Congress, a new poll reveals how many teens admit to placing wagers online.

A new poll shows that 16 percent of teenagers in Argentina have engaged with the gambling industry.

Alarms over an increase in gambling among youth are sounding and the survey, produced by the Opina Argentina consultancy firm, shows that nine percent admit to placing wagers online.

Youths are aware of the issue: 24 percent of people who participated believe the age range most affected by gambling addiction to be teenagers aged between 12 and 16.

Among those aged under 29, the figure rises to 39 percent, and among men overall, to 37 percent. 

Gambling addiction implies that people are incapable of resisting such impulses. The growth of betting applications and websites has led to a rise in cases because accessibility has increased.

There is also some consensus about the role of the State when it comes to preventing this type of addiction: of all respondents, 39 percent said they were in favour of prohibition, with 38 percent believing more regulation is required. 

Overall, six out of ten people surveyed are in favour of greater restrictions on online betting. 



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