Saturday, July 27, 2024

ARGENTINA | 28-02-2020 13:02

BBC brings World Questions panel debate to Buenos Aires

BBC and British Council partner up to host an interactive debate on Argentina's new government and the country's future. Learn how you can sign up for this free event.

Alberto Fernández's government has promised to close la grieta, end resentment and hate, legalise abortion, restructure the country's creaking debt-load and deliver prosperity for Argentina.

Will it be possible? Here's a chance to have your say. These and other concerns will be addressed as BBC World brings it's 'World Questions' panel debate to Buenos Aires next week.

The interactive forum, next Tuesday, will be hosted by BBC’s Jonny Dymond with participation from leading politicians, thinkers, and the audience.

Dymond is a presenter for BBC News, and served as a foreign correspondent for 15 years before becoming the public service broadcaster's royal correspondent.

The debate is delivered in partnership with the British Council, and will be recorded for the BBC’s World Service.

The event will start with a drinks reception, during which the audience will be given the opportunity to submit questions and have their say on relevant issues. The panel forum is aimed at being a democratic debate, so members of the general public are urged to participate. Sign up to learn more about Argentine politics, economy, social struggles, and how both experts – and the public – really feel on these issues.

The panel:

• Juan Grabois, Leader of the Confederacion de Trabajadores de la Economia Popular (CTEP) and Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace 
• Camila Crescembeni, Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina and President of PRO Youth 
• Fernanda Vallejos, Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina and President of the Finance Commission 
• Ivan Petrella, Writer on politics and theology and Former Secretary of Federal Integration and International Cooperation at the Ministry of Culture.

Past BBC World Questions debates have covered poverty in Africa, international development, and questioned whether digital media is good for democracy. Previous panel guests have included journalist and former director of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media Jamie Bartlett, former UK prime minister Tony Blair, and former Nigerian government minister Oby Ezekwesili.

The debate will take place on Tuesday March 10, 2020, at 6:30pm at the Teatro Picadero in Buenos Aires City.

Admission is free, but online registration is required, and audience members are expected to arrive on time.

Click here to register and find out more about how to get your voice heard on meaningful issues. Diversity is always encouraged, and all questions are welcome.


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