Saturday, August 31, 2024

ARGENTINA | 02-03-2018 19:14

CTERA announces national strike: "We will not tolerate war-like language"

The secretary general of the union, Sonia Alesso, confirmed the two-day walk-out. They will march on Congress this Tuesday March 5.

The Secretary General of the Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (CTERA), Sonia Alesso, confirmed on Friday during a press conference that the major national teacher’s union will stage a strike on March 5 and 6, confirming the union had rejected the government's wage negotation offer of a 15-percent pay rise.

 “The government should bring forth a serious negotiation,” she declared.

“Far from resolving the conflicts in the provinces, there was strong pressure on provincial governments to set a guideline of 15 percent in installments. In some provinces they’re offering less than 12 percent,” remarked Alesso when about the union’s motives for the demonstration.

On Monday, the teachers of CTERA will also organise a march to Congress. “We’ve defined a national resistance strategy that has a 48-hour strike, Monday and Tuesday, and a march on March 5 ending at the National Congress,” she specified. 

“We will not tolerate the war-like language from the national government,” indicated Alesso .

“We want to work like the schools in Finland and have salaries like the teachers in Finland have”, added the secretary, alluding to comments that have been made on more than one occasion from the government about wanting an education similar to the that country’s. 


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