Tuesday, February 18, 2025

ARGENTINA | 20-09-2023 16:32

Ex-Trial of the Juntas judge León Arslanian: ‘Argentina should punish denialism by law’

One of the judges who sat on the court that convicted Argentina’s military junta of crimes against humanity declares that “denialism tends to undermine the validity of the democratic rule of law.”

León Arslanian, the former chief judge of the tribunal that presided over the 1985 Trial of the Juntas, on Wednesday strongly criticised the stance of libertarían presidential frontrunner Javier Milei’s running-mate Victoria Villarruel, adding that the introduction of a law against denialism would be “correct.”

“We’re talking about the denial of crimes against humanity,” Arslanian highlighted on Modo Fontevecchia, carried over Net TVRadio Perfil (AM 1190) and Radio Amadeus (FM 91.1).

The veteran lawyer and justice was speaking on the 38th anniversary of the day the famous words “Nunca Más (“never again”)” were first pronounced.

Asked how he felt about a vice-presidential candidate casting doubt on whether there were state abuses in the illegal repression during the dictatorship, Arslanian was forceful in his response.

“It strongly strikes my attention because if anything has evidence in excess, it is precisely the case judging the responsibilities of the military juntas, evidence collated daily by the audience permanently following the trial as well as by that masterly document El Diario del Juicio. Falling into denialism is weird.”

When asked if Argentina should be sanctioning legislation along the lines of the 2005 German law to punish denialism, Arslanian responded: “I think so, that would be perfectly possible. Argentina should punish denialism by law.”

He continued: “We’re talking about the denial of crimes against humanity, atrocious and aberrant crimes perpetrated by the state with the application of doctrines of state or cruel slaughters committed by gangs but by officers of a state.” 

Arslanian said such attitudes are “very serious.”

“Despite all efforts, denialism undermines the democratic state and the rule of law, which was constructed on the platform provided by the trial of the juntas and the demonstration of their responsibility for their misdeeds,” he concluded.



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