President Alberto Fernández will meet with Luis Lacalle Pou next month, a few days after the Uruguayan leader's inauguration as president on March 1, a diplomatic source told the AFP news agency on Tuesday.
"The president has said he cannot travel on March 1 because of his obligations in Congress, but he will be the first president to visit Uruguay after that," confirmed Argentina's Ambassador to Uruguay, Alberto Iribarne, to the El Destape Radio on Tuesday.
The diplomat said Fernández would meet with Lacalle Pou "one or two days after" the ceremony had taken place, most likely in Montevideo.
Fernández must formally open Argentina's congressional sessions on March 1 with a speech before the Legislative Assembly, which clashes with the inauguration.
The ambassador confirmed that the Fernández government would look to "deepen the excellent relations [we have] with our sister country," one of its commercial partners in Mercosur.
"The commercial relationship with Uruguay is important and we have a surplus trade balance," he said, although he acknowledged that "there are some conflicts that are of low intensity," a comment which he did not expand on.
Last December, both Uruguayan President Tabaré Vázquez and President-elect Lacalle Pou attended Fernández's inauguration in Buenos Aires.
Lacalle Pou comes to power in Uruguay after 15 years of rule by the leftist Frente Amplio coalition.