Saturday, July 27, 2024

ARGENTINA | 16-06-2019 14:33

Graciela Camaño laments Massa's return to Kirchnerism

Graciela Camaño accompanied Sergio Massa throughout the entirety of his opposition to the Kirchner and Macri administrations. His recent return to Kirchnerism puts an end to their alliance.

Graciela Camaño remains quiet about her intentions in the lead up to the 2019 general and presidential elections. 

However, one thing is certain: she will not be joining her long-time ally Sergio Massa in his alliance with Alberto Fernández and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner as part of the Frente de Todos (Front for All) coalition.

"I have decided to take another path", Camaño said Sunda, describing Massa as "a great person".

Camaño led Massa's Renewal Front in the Lower House as minority leader. She is considered an effective parliamentarian and is widely respected.

"I have made the decision to not participate in the Renewal Front in this election given its positioning" as part of a broader alliance of Peronist parties, which will support the Fernández-Fernández ticket for the presidency.

"I do not support the decision at all. I have told him this, and I'm at ease", she told Radio Mitre.

"Us lawmakers owe one another a conversation, fundamentally, about what we are going to do", Camaño added.

She refused to confirm or deny rumours she would run as candidate for governor in the province of Buenos Aires in the Consenso Federal coalition led by former Economy minister Roberto Lavagna.

"It isn't something I have analysed but I also do not have any ambition to hold another position. I will collaborate in the place where I'm most needed, for instance with the experience I have organising campaign committees. I do not participate in politics to meet my own personal ambitions", she explained.


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