Sunday, September 8, 2024

ARGENTINA | 29-07-2024 18:14

La Libertad Avanza in power: Luck of the faithful and uncomfortable allies

Tensions between Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel, points of agreement with Macrismo and the need for the libertarian party's seal to be represented across the country at polling booths in 2025.

It had been seven days since Victoria Villaruel’s post which ended marking a break between Javier Milei and her running mate. Martín Menem, head of the Chamber of Deputies, was trying to get Congress to resume it activity, for internal disputes to be set aside and to win space from allies. For that reason, he met with Federico Sturzenegger to coordinate the introduction of the so-called “Hojarasca (Leaf Litter) Law” and then visited Casa Rosada.

Several officials he spoke to agreed when he stated that if the President fares badly, he will be buried with this administration, that is lot is not different from that of the head of State, and that if Milei fares well, he will also survive. That is the biggest difference between those most faithful to the libertarian (which also include Santiago Caputo, Guillermo Francos, Sandra Pettovello and, obviously, Karina Milei) and a Vice President they see as having early political aspirations irrespective of the lot of this government.

Yet the dispute with Villarruel is not the only one distracting the government right now. There are also many squabbles with allies, whom they need to move forward. Even though there is more talk of disagreements with Macrism, at Casa Rosada they answer that they agree on the road forward and that there are no great conflicts yet, as there are with other partners.

“In the next election, each one must preserve their identity, it’s clear that La Libertad Avanza cannot have its name on the ballots, and nor can PRO. It will be defined by district, also thinking about getting the highest number of legislators. In a province like Entre Ríos or in the City, where three senators are at stake, why not go separate and think of leaving the third to Peronism, keeping all seats?”, said one of the spin doctors in the libertarian space.

To the ruling party there are no doubts: La Libertad Avanza has to be at all polling booths of the country for the first time, regardless of the presidential ballot that took Milei to Casa Rosada. In several provinces the seal was not there, and they believe that the election will end up consolidating the creation of the party by Karina Milei. For this reason, they rule out any alliance that makes them change their name for the midterm election.  

Those who are already definitely mistrusted are some legislators of Hacemos Coalición Federal, a key bloc to move forward with the initiatives the Executive Branch needs. The dispute over the committees has renewed this dight in which, at any rate, for now they have decided to set Miguel Ángel Pichetto aside and aim at other such as Emilio Monzó and Nicolás Massot.

When it comes to claiming spots, the space where legislators from Coalición Cívica, socialism and Juan Schiaretti’s people from Córdoba, among other, all merge, total 31 deputies. “They are based on a fake number, they never signed up as an interbloc. They should bring in an official interbloc and we will give him the proper thing”, they said from La Libertad Avanza. Now the dispute is over such key bicameral committees as Supervision of Intelligence Bodies and Activities in charge of reviewing the expenses the Casa Rosada has set aside and just expanded by 100 billion pesos for the new SIDE. Emilio Monzó had been promised a spot but right now the libertarians claim one is not owed to him.

They also speak very ill of Monzó, whom they describe as “nervous” because they took money and contracts away from him. They quickly recall that under his presidency at the Chamber the catering per deputy hired from the Petersen brothers cost US$150, whereas for the last commission where they had to ensure three meals (lunch, tea and dinner) to process the Bases Law they spent 28 thousand pesos for each one. At Casa Rosada they wonder what the deputy will do next year when his term is up. “He has no ticket; he can’t go to Juntos por el Cambio or to our space. Will he go back to Peronism? Will they have a party in the province where they will try to squeeze in a deputy?”.

This poor link contrasts with some sectors of Hacemos Coalición Federal (though he worked as an ally) with the institutional dialogue they have with Peronism. Even though their president is Germán Martínez, they say that conversations are usually with Cecilia Moreau and Paula Penacca.

Yet the squabble over bilateral committees can make some more noise with the Vice President, who wants to propose other names than those being rumoured at Casa Rosada. “If she settled something for the Intelligence Committee, she did not consult it here”, they said from a major office at the Casa Rosada. It is a message for the Vice President but also for anyone who is seeking to negotiate with her. There is no division of powers.

Although Villarruel is looking to consider the dispute closed and claims that she has received no complaint from France, a leader had to deny at La Rural that he agreed with the head of the senate when that country’s ambassador, Romain Nadal, approached him to ask if he felt the same way as her.

In this news

Rosario Ayerdi

Rosario Ayerdi

Jefa de Política. Mail: [email protected]


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