Saturday, August 31, 2024

ARGENTINA | 08-04-2024 09:12

Milei dynasty? Lawmaker Lilia Lemoine says Karina Milei should follow Javier Milei as Argentina's next president

La Libertad Avanza lawmaker Lilia Lemoine says president’s sister, Karina, should be Argentina’s next head of state – after Javier Milei has finished a second term.

La Libertad Avanza (LLA) deputy Lilia Lemoine says that the president’s sister, Karina, should be Argentina’s next head of state – but only after Javier Milei has finished a second term in office.

Lemoine, 43, delivered her comments during a brief television interview with the TN news channel on Sunday night, granted as she attended an event in Palermo marking the establishment of La Libertad Avanza as a single party.

Lemoine considered that Karina, who currently serves as secretary-general to the Presidency, should remain in her post "supporting the president," before standing to succeed him "when Javier's two terms are up."

"I don't know anything about it, my personal opinion is that there are 257 deputies and anyone can be a deputy, literally anyone. I prefer Karina to be supporting the president and the presidency, because that job can't be done by just anyone," she said.

The remarks come as Karina Milei, who is known in party circles as ‘El Jefe,’ attempts to boost her national profile.

Lemoine, an online influencer with tens of thousands of followers who found fame as a keen cosplayer, has been advisor to Milei and credits herself with creating the president’s famous haircut and image. 

"I say it myself, being a deputy, and looking at the prospects of the majority of those in the [Lower] House, more or less anyone can, you have to have a little common sense, nothing more, which many lack,” continued the national lawmaker, who previously proposed changing the law to allow men to be able to renounce paternity of a child.

“Karina, in any case, would have to be president if Javier's two mandates are fulfilled and we would like to continue with the same ideology," said Lemoine, who said last year that she dated the president for two months.


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