Saturday, August 31, 2024

ARGENTINA | 17-02-2019 19:09

Macri in India, urges opening up of market for Argentine exports

President Mauricio Macri and a delegation of more than 100 Argentine business people arrived to India over the weekend.

President Mauricio Macri wants Indian businesses to support small and medium Argentine companies in gaining access to the lucrative Indian economy.

Macri is in India on an official visit aimed at nourishing commercial ties between the two countries.

The head of state; his wife, the First Lady Juliana Awada; and a delegation of more than 100 Argentine business people arrived to India on the weekend.

Macri will meet Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Ram Nath Kovind today (Monday) in Delhi for bilateral talks. On Monday night, at the Rashtrapati presidential palace, Macri will be welcomed at an official reception.

The Argentine delegation will on Tuesday move onto Mumbai, the country's economic capital, for working lunches and meetings with Indian CEOs.

Part of their focus will be on the "vegetable, fruit, fish and wine" sectors, where the Macri government sees potential for export revenue. Argentine lithium will also be high on the agenda, with India keen to make its mark in the renewable energy sector.


On Sunday, Macri wished Argentine business people from over 12 provinces all the best "in finding partners" who "accompany you in the development of your projects and can help you sell" Argentine products in India.

Since coming to power in 2015, Macri has met Prime Minister Modi five times, as part of "a process of getting to know one another, creating confidence and warmth", Macri told the delegation.

"This opens up opportunities", the head of state insisted, adding that he hoped prospective Indian business partners would "help us sell, here, what we're capable of doing", in reference to Argentine goods and services.

According to the President, Argentina has the capacity to "grow in an intelligent way and develop federally if our country enters the world, and understands that if we are isolated we will not go anywhere".

On an electoral note, he said: "We are here after having to overcome enormous difficulties, which we are in the process of resolving, because we are not close to the place we want to be".

Macri faces reelection in October.


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