Saturday, August 31, 2024

ARGENTINA | 09-03-2018 10:20

Macri: 'No veto' on the horizon for abortion legislation

The government will also send a bill to Congress to address gender imbalance in the labour market.

President Mauricio Macri would not veto legislation to decriminalise abortion after Congress votes on the matter on March 20.

Macri is “pro-life” and has a history of opposition to moves to legislate “legal, safe and free” abortions.

“There will be no veto, he (the President) is open to accepting what is decided on (in Congress). The important thing is that the debate be mature and integral”, a source close to Macri told La Nación.

The government will also send a bill to Congress to address gender imbalance in the labour market.

“We cannot allow a situation in which women earn less than men. It makes no sense, it has not explanation for those of us who work day to day alongside women. Equal pay must be a reality across the country”, Macri said Thursday on International Women’s Day as hundreds of thousands of women took to the streets of Buenos Aires.

Congress will vote on the first bill to decriminalise abortion on March 20.

Proponents of reform are confident that it will pass the Lower House, which is split down the middle on the issue, across party lines. However, there are doubts about its prospects in the Senate.


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