Saturday, August 31, 2024

ARGENTINA | 25-01-2018 18:04

Young English adventurer found dead on Ushuaia tourist trail

Police say Minn's body was found below a 100-foot high cliff and that he had “suffered a strong blow to his head”.

A 24-year-old English tourist has been found dead 20 kilometres north of Ushuaia, Argentina, local authorities confirmed.

The body of lone traveller David Minn was discovered by a group of trekkers at around 5pm local time Wednesday.

Local rescuers believe that the young man suffered an accidental fall. He was apparently en route to the Ojo del Albino glacier, half an hour from Lake Esmeralda.

“An autopsy is taking place to discover what happened. He seems to have suffered a fall in an area where there are many rocks”, Police chief Alejandra Giordano told local media.

Giordano said the body was found below a 100-foot high cliff and that Minn had “suffered a strong blow to his head”. 

Minn was staying at the Aoniken hostel in Ushuaia — Argentina’s and the world’s southernmost city. Staff at the facility had reported Minn missing on Monday when he did not return as planned, leaving his belongings behind. 

The 24-year-old’s body has been taken to the Ushuaia Regional Hospital’s Morgue. 

Local authorities say Minn may have fallen as a result of an injury or illness.

Minn, an aerospace engineer, was a Sheffield University graduate from London. He was on a seven-month journey across Latin America.


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