Saturday, August 31, 2024

CULTURE | 23-01-2022 08:39

2021 was record year for Argentine wine exports, says Foreign Ministry

Argentina's bottled wine exports hit a historic high in 2021 worth US$817 million, according to Foreign Ministry.

Argentina's bottled wine exports hit a historic high in 2021 worth US$817 million, the Foreign Ministry reported Saturday. 

The previous high was the US$786 million in foreign wine sales marked in 2012. 

Leading export destinations were the United States, Britain, Brazil, Canada and the Netherlands, according to the report, based on a study by the Laboratorio Estadístico del Instituto Nacional de Vitivinicultura ("Statistical Laboratory of the National Viticulture Institute," INV). 

Comparing 2021 with international sales in 2020, there were also increases in shipments to Mexico, China, France, Switzerland and Paraguay. 

The Argentine global trade exchange in 2021 showed one of the largest surpluses of the last decade with almost US$15 billion.

"Argentina achieved significant improvements in bottled wine exports, growing in volume and price," said the Ministry.

"Bottled wines generated the best results for local wineries, with 9.2 percent growth in volume and 15.8 percent in value, in addition to a great performance of sparkling wines with a 44 percent increase in volume," it added. 

Among the varietals exported, Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay were high on the list. 



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