Friday, May 3, 2024

CULTURE | 19-05-2018 11:02

El Corte: When the lights really went out

The fictional film is set during the 2013-2014 summer blackouts which led to a wave of protests and violence.

Utility prices are on everybody’s mind but not too long ago the issue was whether or not your neighbourhood had power.

The low-budget Argentine film El Corte premieres this Thursday at 8pm at the Gaumont Cinema. The fictional film is loosely set during the 2013-2014 summer blackouts which led to a wave of protests and violence. Residents across Greater Buenos Aires and Buenos Aires City suffered power outages lasting days and even weeks when the city’s energy infrastructure failed to keep up with demand.

The film stars Paloma Contreras, the daughter of beloved actors Patricio Contreras and Leonor Manso, and Chiquitas star Nicolas Goldschmidt, struggling to make ends meet in a working class area of Greater Buenos Aires, where residents have gone mad and gone missing amid a blistering heatwave.

The movie was filmed in Quilmes, initially as a student film thesis funded through Crowdfunding. At a time when the national film industry is suffering budget cuts, the release of a low-budget fiction is reason to celebrate.

The film was directed and produced by a team of mainly women filmmakers.


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