Friday, July 26, 2024

ECONOMY | 05-12-2017 10:52

Labour Minister’s sister appointed Banco Nación head

A member of Macri’s own PRO party had lodged an injunction against an appointment with similar family ties under the Cristina Fernández de Kirchner administration in 2015.

Mariana Haydee Triaca, the sister of Labour Minister Jorge Triaca, is the new head of Banco Nación, a presidential decree published yesterday revealed.

The decree bears the signatures of President Mauricio Macri and his Finance Minister Luis Caputo.

There is a history of controversy surrounding the direction of the bank.

In mid 2015, former Defence minister Agustín Rossi’s daughter, 26-year-old Delfina, was appointed to the same role. An injunction lodged against her appointment by a member of Macri’s own PRO party was later rejected by the courts.

Mariana Triaca was appointed to the board of directors of Banco Nación last year. She is an accountant.


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