Saturday, July 27, 2024

ECONOMY | 11-07-2019 09:53

Transport union calls Friday strike across provinces

Public bus services to grind to halt across the country on Friday as drivers in provinces demand same conditions as BA counterparts.

The UTA transport workers union will strike tomorrow across the country with Buenos Aires City and Greater Buenos Aires to be spared, the Transport Secretary confirmed Thursday.

The union, which represents bus drivers, is demanding a 20 percent pay rise and a 16,000 pesos bonus for its members, calling for the wage deal in Buenos Aires City to be recognised as the national standard.

"We haven't yet received a response that brings us nearly as close enough to the pretense of wage recovery for transport workers in the country's provinces", UTA said in a statement, referring to the impact of inflation on wages.

The strike, they explained, is "a response to the position adopted by all stakeholders who have participated in the debate about salaries".

In Tucumán, bus drivers have led a strike since Saturday.

"Those responsible for the situation that all workers in the sector are experiencing, as well as passengers of our services, are not only business people, who have systematically refused to negotiate, but also the national and provincial authorities who ignore the union's demands", UTA secretary general Roberto Fernández told Cadena 3.

Transport workers in Corrientes province are also demanding the payment of their bi-annual bonus, while in Jujuy some report not receiving pension contributions from their employees.



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