Monday, September 16, 2024

SPORTS | 06-09-2024 13:29

'I feel abandoned': Woman who accused French rugby players of rape slams courts

The 39-year-old Argentine woman who accused two French rugby players of raping and beating her in Mendoza says in an interview that she feels “abandoned by the justice system" after they were allowed to return to France.

The 39-year-old Argentine woman who accused two French rugby players of raping and beating her in Mendoza back in July has said in an interview that she feels “abandoned by the justice system" after they were allowed to return to France.

In an interview with the AFP news agency, the woman – who asked to be identified as “María” – also revealed that she will report one of her defence lawyers for “professional errors” and for "denigrating" her.

“I feel abandoned by the courts in Mendoza,” stated María during the interview, in which she did not show her face to camera and appeared with her voice modulated to protect her identity.

“They’re treating me as a criminal when I’m the victim, when I fear for my life because I don’t have people backing me up or taking care of me at all,” she stressed.

The plantiff, who confirmed reports that she had attempted suicide in recent weeks, trusts “justice will be done by social justice.”

“They will be socially condemned because my testimony is the true one,” she said confidently. 

María also made reference to God, adding that “the man upstairs” will judge them because “he knows what they have done.”



Oscar Jégou and Hugo Auradou – both aged 21 – were arrested in Buenos Aires two days after winning their first international caps against Argentina in a rugby union match in Mendoza back in early July.

They were subsequently charged with aggravated rape following the alleged events that took place on the night of July 6/7 at a hotel where the French national team was staying. 

The plaintiff says she was violently and repeatedly raped by the pair. The men deny the accusation, saying they had consensual sexual relations with the woman.

The two players returned to France on Wednesday after being detained for little over a month, first in Buenos Aires, and then later in Mendoza. 

A day earlier, a court in Mendoza had ruled that the duo could leave the country immediately.

The prosecution had recommended that the players be allowed to travel because the accusation had "lost its initial force."

The court’s ruling requires the pair to "appear if they are summoned to the Argentine Consulate in France," to report virtually "as often as required," or return "to appear in Mendoza if requested."

The French Rugby Federation (FFR) welcomed Tuesday's ruling, and underscored the men must be considered innocent until proven otherwise.

Auradou's club in the French city of Pau expressed "joy and relief" at the news that he would be returning home.


Complaint against lawyer

The plaintiff also took aim at one of the defence lawyers representing the rugby players, accusing him of “denigrating” her character.

María said lawyer Rafael Cúneo Libarona – the brother of National Justice Minister Mariano Cúneo Libarona, had treated her like she was a “VIP prostitute.”

“This lawyer is not right in the head and I’ll be reporting him, for all the professional errors he has made,” said the woman.

Cúneo Libarona said on Tuesday that he was considering bring legal action against the plaintiff.

Asked about the sportsmen that she alleges attacked her, María called the players the “rotten apples of rugby” and said they left her injured.

“Today I have to do physical therapy on both legs, knees, my shins.

“I still have repercussions on my body because of the injuries they have caused,” she said.

According to the complainant's lawyer, Natacha Romano, her client suffered injuries to her face, back, breasts, legs and ribs, as well as bite and scratch marks.

Defence lawyers have pointed to witnesses and cameras allegedly detecting no injuries on the woman as she left the hotel.

The plaintiff's lawyers have filed a motion seeking the recusal of the prosecutors in charge of the case, alleging a "lack of objectivity" on their part.



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