COMMENTS IN INTERVIEW Mujica admits to ‘rude’ critique of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner 04-12-2024 11:29 Former Uruguayan president admits comments on Cristina Fernández de Kirchner were “not at all diplomatic,” but insists on need for renewal of Peronism.
'Pepe' Mujica interview Mujica: Left’s return to power in Uruguay is ‘a farewell prize’ 29-11-2024 11:40 José ‘Pepe’ Mujica is perhaps the most famous Uruguayan in the world, but that doesn't faze him. “I'm not a phenomenon; I'm an ordinary guy with some eccentricities,” says the 89-year-old former president.
POLITICS IN URUGUAY Orsi, Uruguay's president-elect, visits mentor Mujica after run-off win 25-11-2024 22:22 Frente Amplio leader Yamandú Orsi, who won last Sunday's presidential run-off plays up ties to ex-president Jose 'Pepe' Mujica ahead of taking office.
URUGUAY ELECTIONS 2024 Frente Amplio returns to power in Uruguay as Orsi wins run-off 25-11-2024 10:44 Frente Amplio's Yamandú Orsi is elected president of Uruguay after Sunday's run-off; Leftist leader calls for national dialogue in a speech to supporters after results.
URUGUAY ELECTION 2024 Uruguay readies for polls with Frente Amplio hoping for comeback 22-11-2024 10:03 Álvaro Delgado of outgoing president Luis Lacalle Pou's ruling coalition, and Yamandú Orsi, of the left-wing Frente Amplio coalition, go head-to-head in the Uruguay's presidential election run-off.
WAR IN MIDDLE EAST Latin America divided and nuanced on Israel-Hamas conflict 01-11-2023 11:52 Many Latin American governments maintain strong support for Palestinians and their cause of statehood while condemning Israeli bombing of the Gaza strip; Argentina shows support for freeing hostages, with some of its citizens still being held by Hamas.
BILATERAL RELATIONS Uruguay ex-presidents express concern over ‘unpredictable’ Milei 29-08-2023 15:58 Former Uruguay presidents Julio María Sanguinetti and José Mujica express concern over possibility of "unpredictable" Javier Milei winning Argentina's October election; Colombian President Gustavo Petro compares libertarian's rhetoric to that of Adolf Hitler.