Analysing Argentina Can Kicillof break the spell? 08-02-2025 06:11 If the current political trajectory stands, Kicillof would face an uphill battle … but Argentina has shown in recent years that "impossible" is not in the local political dictionary. by Marcelo J. García
POLITICS – ANALYSIS United yet disorganised: Peronism comes to terms with a year of Milei 12-12-2024 18:10 What remains of the Unión por la Patria coalition could only manage a photo-op and is far from placing things in order. The internal differences and disputes stalling the bid to reach unity in 2025. by Rosario Ayerdi
POLITICS Tussle for Peronist protagonism clashes with calls for unity 05-07-2024 15:27 Former presidential candidate Sergio Massa will break his silence on the first Saturday of August with criticism of Javier Milei’s government. Buenos Aires Province Governor Axel Kicillof continues to raise his national profile, with next year’s battles being brought forward. by Rosario Ayerdi
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Kirchnerite tensions: New wave pushes for displacement of La Cámpora 16-04-2024 15:46 Disappointed with the inaction of those aligned with Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, a new line of Kirchnerite figures are knocking on Axel Kicillof's door and asking him to take control of the Peronist movement.
Politics CFK seeks to reorder her lawmakers for Milei’s first political test 04-01-2024 15:18 Former vice-president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner believes that the formation of the Bicameral Commission to halt the presidential emergency decree is urgent while sending a message to the rest of Peronism to reorder its ranks and joshing about the ex-president’s festivities in Spain. by Ramón Indart
POLITICS Eduardo Costa and Máximo Kircher head Congress rich list ranking 03-10-2023 10:01 Santa Cruz Senator Eduardo Costa and deputy for Buenos Aires Province Máximo Kirchner have the biggest fortunes in Congress, according to their sworn statements for 2022. The biggest variations in assets and who completes the list of the wealthiest national legislators. by Daniela Mozetic
ELECTION 2023 Massa seeks to assert leadership of Peronist coalition 18-09-2023 21:07 Unión por la Patria presidential candidate is willing to occupy the space vacated by Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. If he wins the elections, he promises strong leadership, defined by decision-making and firmness. by Rosario Ayerdi
BUENOS AIRES & BEIJING Airing IMF criticism, Máximo Kirchner deepens ties with China 02-06-2023 10:02 National deputy and La Cámpora leader slams International Monetary Fund’s recipes for “indebted countries” during visit to China. by Ariel Maciel
RELATIONS WITH CHINA Economy Minister Sergio Massa to fly to China for swap line talks 28-05-2023 10:08 Argentina's economy minister will travel to China next week in a bid to free up more cash from a currency swap line that could help stem a peso sell-off before this year’s presidential election.
POLITICS Máximo Kirchner to join Sergio Massa on trip to China 24-05-2023 18:05 National lawmaker and vice-president’s son will form part of Argentine delegation travelling to China between May 29 and June 4, stopping in Beijing and Shanghai. This will be the first trip he has made outside the country. by Rodis Recalt
POLITICS Who is Lucía Cámpora, the new leader of La Cámpora? 03-04-2023 14:43 Thirty-two-year-old activist and City lawmaker Lucía Cámpora, the grand-niece of former president Héctor Cámpora, has taken over the leadership of the Kirchnerite youth organisation. by Rodis Recalt
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Without time, desire nor margin, Peronism resigns itself to a PASO 29-03-2023 14:11 Unless there is a surprise move, Peronism is resigned to face – for the first time since their creation – a Simultaneous and Compulsory Open Primary (PASO). by Ramón Indart
POLITICS La Cámpora's generational transition 20-03-2023 12:56 The leaders of La Cámpora, the Kirchnerite political grouping founded by Máximo Kirchner, are getting older. A new generation, led by new secretary-general Lucía Cámpora, are taking over at the top as the organisation refreshes its youth appeal.