2024: The year that was
31-12-2024 00:01 The world continued to undergo momentous transformations during 2024, with Javier Milei taking office in Argentina to become the world’s first anarcho-capitalist libertarian president, globally. What ensued, as expected, was voracious, intense, stressful, and action-packed. Inflation skyrocketed then fell aggressively, the peso-dollar exchange rate seemed poised to go crazy, but ended up contained, Milei applied a chainsaw and a blender to the economy, Luis 'Toto' Caputo managed budget surpluses, layoffs galore, the quickest general strike ever, the 'Ley de Bases' affair, Milei travelled abroad (again and again), Cristina Fernández de Kirchner came back to the scene, Mauricio Macri remained there, Alberto Fernández goes into the dog house (which doesn’t mean Dylan’s kennel), the opposition continued its fragmentation, and Milei came full circle, managing to keep his popularity while staying in the dating scene. This is 2024: The Year That Was.