ECONOMIC INDICATORS Poverty affected 28.1% of portenos in Q3 2024 14-01-2025 14:40 Nearly 900,000 porteños were considered poor in the third quarter of 2024, according to City Hall statistics bureau.
POLITICS, COURTS & ECONOMY National, City government agrees federal revenue-sharing deal 19-09-2024 00:27 After lengthy court battle over ‘coparticipación’ federal revenue-sharing funds, President Javier Milei’s government and City Hall agrees deal to deliver 2.95 percent in daily and weekly payments.
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Behind the Milei-Jorge Macri deal – and the influence of Mauricio 04-09-2024 12:09 Meetings between President Javier Milei and PRO party chairman Mauricio Macri have served to calm tempers and put an administration which had become entangled back on track. by Pablo Varela
POLITICS & ECONOMY Javier Milei and Jorge Macri seal deal transferring 31 bus lines to City 04-09-2024 12:02 Mayor confirms that there will be no fare increase despite the loss of national subsidies after signing deal formalising transfer control of more than 30 bus lines to Buenos Aires City government.
CULTURE & POLITICS City Hall boots Telerman out from Teatro Colón top role 28-08-2024 23:06 Among the motives, strong differences between the ex-City mayor Telerman and Culture Minister Gabriela Ricardes; Mayor Jorge Macri’s request for austerity. by Claudio Corsalini
CRIME & SECURITY City Hall official found dead, day after being accused of sexual abuse 24-01-2024 23:34 The lifeless body of City Housing Institute chief Carlos Pedrini was found dead in his home on Tuesday afternoon, just one day after he was accused of sexual abuse.
INTERVIEW / PERIODISMO PURO Jorge Macri: ‘I’m not going to tell other candidates what they should do… I’m going to run’ 06-05-2023 06:58 Buenos Aires City government minister and mayoral hopeful on meeting the requisites to run, the controversy over concurrent elections and why he wants to lead the nation’s capital. by Jorge Fontevecchia
ELECTIONS 2023 Soledad Acuña pulls out of race to become next City mayor 02-05-2023 17:13 Buenos Aires City education minister formally announces her withdrawal from race to become next mayor of capital. by James Grainger
POLITICS: CITY ‘Single PRO candidate in City PASO’ – Rodríguez Larreta accepts Macri’s condition 30-03-2023 18:07 Buenos Aires City Mayor Horacio Rodríguez Larreta hints that neither of his ministers, Soledad Acuña nor Fernán Quirós, will be able to compete against Jorge Macri, former president’s cousin, in opposition PASO.
POLITICS City security minister Marcelo D’Alessandro resigns post 23-03-2023 08:44 Buenos Aires City security and justice minister, who has been on leave for three months, resigns following scandal prompted by Lago Escondido leaked chat messages.