UNITED STATES ELECTION 2024 Win the vote but still lose? Behold America's Electoral College 04-11-2024 15:39 An inside look at the United States's Electoral College system that won Donald Trump the election in 2016.
CONGRESS & POLITICS Milei government prepares legislative agenda for 'second stage' 02-07-2024 16:57 Electoral reform being considered by the Executive branch and a bill could be ready for Congress by August; Ideally, it would include the elimination of the PASO primaries, the move to a single ballot system, the scrapping of gender parity quotas and a lowering of the minimum voting age.
CAMPAIGN COMMENTS Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow 18-11-2023 06:42 Democratic voting in Argentina ran on the basis of simple majorities until 1972 when that system was a non-starter for a military régime since it would guarantee victory for a Juan Domingo Perón. In order to give themselves the faint chance of the anti-Peronist chunk of society outnumbering the Peronist masses if obliged to vote en bloc, they introduced a system whereby nothing short of an absolute majority would permit victory in the first round. by Michael Soltys
ELECTIONS 2023 La Libertad Avanza walk back election fraud claims 17-11-2023 17:14 Libertarian party’s lawyer presents Twitter screenshots and press clippings to support allegations of irregularities, but says LLA isn’t denouncing fraud but seeking greater precautions.
ELECTION 2023: RUN-OFF Concern over libertarian fraud claims with tight run-off expected 17-11-2023 07:20 Argentines go to the polls on Sunday to decide if Sergio Massa or Javier Milei will be the country’s next president; Libertarian’s party raises spectre of fraud with ‘irregularities’ and ballots claims but electoral authorities say they are unfounded.
ELECTION 2023 Milei’s followers stir up spectre of fraud on social networks 09-11-2023 10:21 Echoing the elections of Donald Trump in the United States and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, Argentina now becomes the latest country to battle unfounded electoral fraud claims.
ELECTION 2023 Milei’s former billionaire boss praises his Argentina contender 21-09-2023 09:58 Eduardo Eurnekian, an Argentine billionaire and former boss of presidential frontrunner Javier Milei, praised contender Patricia Bullrich while stopping short of offering his explicit backing ahead of the country’s general election in October.
ELECTION 2023 'A complete reform of the State': Milei presents plan for government 03-08-2023 15:45 Libertarian presidential hopeful outlines ideas for privatisation of healthcare, education and public works projects. Milei intends to slash government portfolios, unifying ministries while eliminating the Central Bank.
Election 2023 Electoral platform: Dollarisation, privatisations, guns, no sexual ed 18-05-2023 15:33 Leaked electoral platform presented by libertarian lawmaker to Judge María Servini features more than 60 proposals he aims to put into practice if he becomes president.