Foreign relations & diplomacy Argentina refuses to back UN draft resolution on indigenous rights 12-11-2024 10:45 Argentina the only country out of 169 to vote against a United Nations draft resolution on rights of indigenous peoples.
Climate Change Indigenous Colombians fret as sacred mountain glaciers melt 28-02-2024 11:50 The inhabitants of the Sierra Nevada range in north Colombia share fears about changing climate as record heat waves melt glacial peaks and ruin crops.
Columbia Colombian armed groups forcibly recruited nearly 190 kids in 2023: report 13-02-2024 13:20 Nearly 190 children as young as nine were forcibly recruited by armed groups in Colombia last year, the country's rights ombudsman said Monday.
TECHNOLOGY App lets indigenous Brazilians connect in own languages 30-01-2024 10:49 A smartphone app is making it easier for indigenous Brazilians to connect by allowing them to use their own native languages.
ENVIRONMENT South America seeks roadmap to save Amazon at 'landmark' summit 08-08-2023 13:34 Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva opened what he called a "landmark" summit Tuesday, urging fellow South American leaders to chart an ambitious roadmap to save the Amazon rainforest.
HEALTHCARE & SOCIETY Briana: six-year-old’s tragic death highlights inequality in Argentina 22-07-2023 06:59 Child mortality is an ongoing tragedy in Argentina’s indigenous communities. The recent death of six-year-old Briana, a member of Salta’s Wichi community, in a hospital waiting-room last March highlights the precarious conditions facing residents in the north of the country and the failure of successive governments to protect the rights of all citizens. by Sabrina Chemen
indigenous rights With bows and spears, Brazilian indigenous 'warriors' defend the Amazon 09-06-2023 18:20 Guardians of the Brazilian Amazon: indigenous "warriors of the forest" take a stand with bows and spears, confronting illegal activities and defending their land and resources.
Murder in the Amazon Lula leads tributes on anniversary of Amazon double murder 06-06-2023 11:03 Loved ones and admirers stage commemorations for British journalist Dom Phillips and Brazilian indigenous expert Bruno Pereira, who were murdered a year ago while documenting environmental crimes in the Amazon rainforest.
BRAZIL RAINFOREST Indigenous youths use tech as 'weapon' to protect Amazon 09-05-2023 16:38 Txai Surui, and many young Indigenous activists, use technology instead of weapons to defend the Brazilian Amazon.
INDIGENOUS RIGHTS Indigenous Brazilians demand more land reserves 26-04-2023 12:11 Thousands of indigenous Brazilians gathered in the capital this week to demand the creation of new reserves on their ancestral lands.
CONTROVERSIAL COURT RULING Mendoza Chamber of Deputies denies Mapuches’ status as indigenous peoples 06-04-2023 18:45 Mendoza Chamber of Deputies declared Mapuches “should not be considered original Argentine peoples” in a resolution last Thursday.
BRAZILIAN POLITICS Mixed results for Brazil's Lula in first 100 days 06-04-2023 13:51 Lula's approval rating has taken a hit over last three months after a series of gaffes and a public spat with the central bank over interest rates.
COLOMBIA ENERGY Indigenous Colombians in stand-off over wind farms 05-04-2023 13:23 Wind farm expansion in north Colombia, earmarked as the El Dorado of renewable energy, is unsettling indigenous Wayuu inhabitants in the region.
UNITED NATIONS UN report criticises ‘structural discrimination’ against Argentina's indigenous 23-03-2023 17:43 United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights highlights repeated “evictions and violent interventions” in new report. by Api Dhadda
HALLUCINAGENIC VINE Ayahuasca: 'source of knowledge' in the heart of the Amazon 01-03-2023 09:55 A tourist industry has taken root around ayahuasca, the powerful hallucinogenic concoction said to open the door to the spirit world. But indigenous healers are set against the commercialisation of the plant.