POLITICS – ANALYSIS The ecstasy of Javier Milei 30-11-2024 05:48 Things look rosy for the libertarians at this juncture, encouraging them to become even more ambitious. by Agustino Fontevecchia
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Is Milei's star beginning to fade? 28-09-2024 06:55 The first economist to become president in Argentina, he is banking on a rebound that has remained elusive thus far. The risks will only increase until people begin to feel the improvement by Agustino Fontevecchia
ELECTION 2023 Can Bullrich and Massa face the ‘Milei-tide’? 30-09-2023 05:08 The only candidate who could be moderately competitive in a run-off against Milei appears to be Bullrich, who is the farthest from taking that spot, if opinion polls are to be trusted. by Agustino Fontevecchia
ELECTION 2023 Poll: Milei growing ahead of election, Massa on rise, Bullrich takes a dive 18-09-2023 17:41 New Opina Argentina survey offers projections ahead of the general election; Libertarian frontrunner grows in polls but comeback looks difficult for Bullrich; Massa on track to finish second.