Election 2023 Airing the dirty laundry of Argentina’s political caste 13-10-2023 11:27 As we get closer to the general election there could be a few more surprises of the smear campaign machine, so hold onto your hats. by Agustino Fontevecchia
ELECTION 2023: ANALYSIS Insaurralde, Milei, Melconian and the dirty campaign 12-10-2023 14:46 We’re into the tortuous last stretch of the campaign and political operations are underway. by Javier Calvo
CAMPAIGN COMMENTS The pit and the pendulum 07-10-2023 06:22 Neither last Sunday’s debate nor the passage of eight weeks have produced any paradigmatic shift from the three-way tie of the PASO primary. by Michael Soltys
ELECTIONS 2023 What everyone is thinking and no-one is saying (about Javier Milei) 16-09-2023 05:14 What the members of the ‘círculo rojo’ are all thinking, but are not willing to say publicly, is that they believe a Milei administration would be marked by a level of institutional instability so great that it would quickly lead to a situation of social unrest. by Agustino Fontevecchia
ELECTION 2023 Bullrich appeals to the epic, vowing to end Kirchnerismo 28-08-2023 15:14 Patricia Bullrich believes she has unified the opposition coalition behind her and is convinced of the message she needs to express: only Juntos por el Cambio can end Kirchnerism once and for all. by Ezequiel Spillman
ELECTION 2023 Sergio Massa embarks on post-PASO search for votes 28-08-2023 14:48 As the ruling coalition presidential candidate travels to Brazil with an economic agenda, Massa’s campaign plans for the general election are ramping up. by Rosario Ayerdi
ELECTIONS 2023 – ANALYSIS Only the quickest, the meanest and baddest will prevail 08-07-2023 06:13 Campaigning is truly underway for the PASO primaries. Things are getting serious and the political system is showing its true colours, with all sorts of treachery and mischief coming to the fore. by Agustino Fontevecchia
Campaign comments Umpteen candidates in search of an author 03-06-2023 06:08 If Horacio Rodríguez Larreta had again thwarted Mauricio Macri plans by imposing Fernán Quirós over Jorge Macri, this would have been three strikes and out in the PRO founder’s esteem – a hostility potentially fatal to the outgoing City mayor’s presidential ambitions.