OPINION & ANALYSIS Milei and the ‘$LIBRA’ scandal: How far does it go? 19-02-2025 15:20 Milei has a track record of reckless stances on troubled digital ventures. The consequences of the ‘$LIBRA’ scandal could be unpredictable and perhaps, it has only just begun. by Javier Calvo
OPINION & ANALYSIS Who was Milei’s audience? 11-12-2024 23:45 With an almost religious hope of 2025 being a growth year, President Milei used his first anniversary address to talk to the ‘círculo rojo’ business establishment and his run-off voters, with no concrete announcements for ordinary people. by Javier Calvo
OPINION & ANALYSIS Long live pragmatism, carajo! 21-11-2024 18:04 President Javier Milei is adjusting his rhetoric to the challenges of power – from his frosty exchanges with Lula and his rapprochement with Xi Jinping, to his contradictions with Emmanuel Macron and Giorgia Meloni. by Javier Calvo
POLITICS – ANALYSIS La persuasión avanza 10-10-2024 23:08 The government has long accepted the fragility, both quantitatively and qualitatively, of its legislative strength. But like good bilardistas, they believe that when you win, you win. by Javier Calvo
OPINION & ANALYSIS Political sewers on the boil 24-08-2024 05:15 Intelligence sectors in conflict threaten to throw the book at each other, exposing shady deals and problematic situations in private lives. by Javier Calvo
POLITICS – ANALYSIS War between Milei and Villarruel escalates 22-08-2024 14:33 Dispute between President Javier Milei and Vice-President Victoria Villarruel has been publicly exposed. The question is no longer why it is happening, but how it can end. by Javier Calvo
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Who covered up for Alberto Fernández? 12-08-2024 12:55 Social astonishment is multiplying in the face of the brazen hand-washing of leaders and ex-officials of the former Frente de Todos administration. by Javier Calvo
CRIME & INSECURITY Rosario is always near 16-03-2024 06:25 As with so many other matters, Argentina’s leaders have not lived up to the challenge of efficiently combatting drug-trafficking. Yet it would be a mistake to confine the responsibility for Rosario’s bloody violence to politics. by Javier Calvo
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Kicillof pushes the accelerator 09-03-2024 06:47 The racetrack metaphor employed by Axel Kicillof to reject Javier Milei’s invitation to his Pacto del 25 de Mayo would seem in line with the acceleration he has decided to give his positioning as an opposition leader. by Javier Calvo
ELECTIONS 2023 – ANALYSIS Macri has a Plan A and a Plan B 16-11-2023 11:41 Former president's bet on Javier Milei, outlined during campaigning and quickly confirmed after the first round vote, has put Mauricio Macri back in the spotlight. by Javier Calvo
ELECTION 2023: ANALYSIS Insaurralde, Milei, Melconian and the dirty campaign 12-10-2023 14:46 We’re into the tortuous last stretch of the campaign and political operations are underway. by Javier Calvo
ELECTION 2023 Milei, Barrionuevo and the ‘casta sindical’ 22-09-2023 05:50 Restaurant worker chieftain Luis Barrionuevo, who has been meeting with libertarian presidential frontrunner Javier Milei, is perhaps the union leader with the greatest number of leaps and bounds in modern Argentine politics. by Javier Calvo
OPINION & ANALYSIS In defence of Milei 11-07-2023 13:06 The debate proposed by La Libertad Avanza is a healthy one, although perhaps tainted by the source of its origin: they are raising it in order to cover up their own financial shenanigans. by Javier Calvo
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Still mucking around with Milei 14-04-2023 09:58 Argentina's outspoken libertarian expresses a civic frustration that promises unpredictable consequences – it would suit politics to take him seriously and stop playing with fire. by Javier Calvo
POLITICS: THE INSIDE TRACK Alberto needs a new Cabinet chief: Manzur has decided to leave 23-01-2022 21:12 The governor of Tucumán, who took leave from post to serve as Cabinet chief, wants to return to his province, frustrated by his loss of power. President Fernández does not intend to keep him either. by Javier Calvo
ELECTIONS 2021: ANALYSIS Why the ruling coalition is celebrating an electoral defeat 15-11-2021 01:36 The optimism of Frente de Todos, despite the ruling coalition having lost its majority in the Senate. Challenges lie ahead. by Javier Calvo
ELECTIONS 2021 Concern over 15-N: Alberto’s dinners with business leaders 11-11-2021 12:52 Shadows loom over the government's management. Already punished in the PASO elections, with the possibility of a repeat or even worse this coming Sunday, Frente de Todos’ concerns are growing. by Javier Calvo
CARLOS MENEM (1930-2021) Choose your own Menem 20-02-2021 07:46 As from Menem, public officials who got rich on the job began to be the rule rather than the exception. by Javier Calvo