Milei to hail fiscal surplus in prime-time address

President Javier Milei set to address the nation tonight in a prime-time ‘Cadena Nacional’ national broadcast, during which he hail his government’s progress on balancing Argentina’s books.

President Javier Milei, flanked by members of his Cabinet and government advisors, delivers a national broadcast. Foto: Télam

President Javier Milei will hail his government’s management of the economy in a prime-time ‘Cadena Nacional’ national address later this evening.

The message, which will be broadcast from the Olivos presidential residence, will be aired at 9pm. 

The head of state plans to announce that Argentina recorded a fiscal surplus in the first quarter of the year and outline future economic measures. 

The President is expected to be accompanied onscreen by his economic team, including Economy Minister Luis Caputo, Finance Secretary Pablo Quirno and Central Bank Governor Santiago Bausili.

Milei, 53, trailed the idea in a speech to business leaders at the Llao Llao Forum in Bariloche. 

"The first quarter of the year ended with a positive financial result," Milei told the forum, which included attendees from top tech firms and industry giants.

The President promised them tax cuts once he had finished slashing government spending and vowed “a profound liberal revolution.”

The national broadcast was confirmed by Interior Minister Guillermo Francos on Sunday

"The President has chosen an important moment to communicate to Argentines what has been done in these months and what the expectations are," said Francos in an interview with Radio Rivadavia.

Milei will talk about "fiscal numbers," he added.

Francos did not confirm whether the broadcast would include new policy announcements.