Saturday, July 27, 2024

ARGENTINA | 16-06-2019 15:23

Fernández questions Máximo's photo with Cúneo: 'I'm opposed to Nazis'

Crónica TV fired Santiago Cúneo in May 2018 after allegations that had promoted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories on his television programme.

A photo of lawmaker Máximo Kirchner alongside a journalist fired from a national broadcaster in 2018 over accusations of anti-Semitism, prompted presidential hopeful Alberto Fernández on Sunday to express his opposition to "Nazis and anti-Semitism".

Fernández's running mate as vice-presidential candidate is Máximo's mother, former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

"I'm against Nazis and anti-Semitism", Fernández, who leads the Frente de Todos (Front for All) coalition into October's presidential and general elections, told La 990 Radio.

Máximo Kirchner appears alongside Santiago Cúneo, which Cúneo posted on his Twitter account on Friday afternoon. Both men are seen making the Peronist V for victory gesture with their hands, accompanied by a message "Let's vote, Fernández-Fernández. Win or win."

Crónica TV fired Santiago Cúneo in May 2018 after allegations he was promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

"I don't know the circumstances surrounding that photo, if it's new or old. With it comes to Nazis, anti-Semites, call them whatever you like, I am totally opposed, as I am against any ideology which discriminates against a person", Fernández added.

He expressed doubt that Máximo Kirchner would promote the same ideologies as Cúneo's.

"I do not believe that Máximo is approving of such a thing, I say it sincerely. I know how Máximo thinks and he is committed to democracy and his position against discrimination is absolutely firm", the presidential hopeful added.

Fernández also took the opportunity to defend his running mate, saying Cristina Fernández de Kirchner "is not a thief".

"I know Cristina would never get involved in something like that (corruption). We can make a lot of statements about Cristina, that she's not friendly, that she's arrogant but Cristina is not a thief. I am certain about what I say", he insisted.


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