Monday, January 13, 2025

ECONOMY | 09-01-2025 14:22

Central Bank poll in Argentina predicts 2025 inflation rate of 25.9%

Projections for last year’s inflation rate dips to 117.8% in Central Bank’s market expectations survey.

Consultants, experts and banking institutions participating in the Central Bank’s REM (Relevamiento de Expectativas del Mercado) survey project that Argentina’s inflation rate for 2024 will be 117.8 percent.

This REM survey, which includes the updated projections of the main analysts of the City financial district, also shows that experts expect a massive slowdown to just under 26 percent this year.


What will inflation be in 2025?

A strong deceleration of the IPC (Índice de Precios al Consumidor) index to 25.9 percent is expected for 2025.

What is the projection for last month?

This will be officially announced by INDEC national statistics bureau next Tuesday (January 14) with the estimates falling from 2.9 to 2.7 percent.


What is expected for the early months of 2025?
Along the same lines, the projections will keep descending in the first five months of 2025 with the IPC only falling below the two percent monthly barrier in May.


What are the expectations for price increases this year in comparison with last year?

The price increases for this year have shrunk 3.5 percentage points in comparison with the previous publication.

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