POLLING & SURVEYS Argentines want US trade deal despite competition, tariff fears 11-02-2025 09:03 Argentines support President Milei’s quest to negotiate a free-trade agreement with the United States, but are split over competing with US firms.
ECONOMIC FORECASTS Central Bank poll predicts 2025 inflation rate of 25.9% 09-01-2025 14:22 Projections for last year’s inflation rate dips to 117.8% in Central Bank’s market expectations survey.
SOCIETY Poll: 35% of Argentines have been discriminated against over past year 05-08-2024 06:32 New study probes prejudice and discrimination in society, with xenophobia leading the way; Rise in discriminatory acts taking place on social media. by Enrique Garabetyan
OPINION POLL Survey shows Javier Milei attracts love and hate alike 26-07-2024 16:55 While 46.1 percent have a positive image of Javier Milei, for the remaining 48.7 percent it is negative. The equation is simple: either you are with Milei or you are against Milei. Public opinion is divided among those who support them and those who reject them. by Felipe Leibovich
POLLING DATA Poll: Low expectations, poverty concerns as Milei enters second semester 22-06-2024 16:35 Argentina’s President's negative approval rating outweighs positive in new Equipo Mide poll, with 60% of respondents saying they disapprove of his manners and governing style.
POLLING Milei polling well, six months after taking office, despite Congress struggles 10-06-2024 16:22 President Javier Milei retains strong support among Argentines six months after taking office, according to a new poll.
POLITICS Milei confident of public support as he passes 100-day milestone 21-03-2024 15:29 Javier Milei has slashed public spending and is tackling inflation, but 100 days into his presidency social tensions are simmering. He insists he retains the support of the population, but polls indicate there’s little optimism for what lies ahead. New studies assess his performance and expectations over his first few months in office.
ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Analysts improve outlook, forecast inflation slowing to 210% in 2024 08-03-2024 10:48 Experts consulted for Central Bank’s REM survey of market expectations lower forecasts for inflation in the next few months, predicting 15.5% rate for February and a 3.5% economic slump this year.
CORRUPTION INDEX Argentina falls on annual corruption index 01-02-2024 17:28 The country scored 37 out of 100 total points and ranked 98th out of 180 surveyed countries by Ashton Goren
CRYPTOCURRENCIES Bitcoin a dud in El Salvador, first country to make it legal tender 11-01-2024 13:10 A poll released Wednesday showed that 88% of El Salvadorans did not use bitcoin last year in El Salvador, the first country anywhere to make the cryptocurrency a form of legal tender.
POLITICS Government says it will take away welfare from protesters who block streets 18-12-2023 17:54 Argentina's government warns against street blockades on eve of major demonstration; Human Capital Minister Sandra Pettovello warns that those who participate and receive welfare support will have it taken away from them.
ELECTION 2023 53% of Argentines want Milei to make 'moderate adjustment' 24-11-2023 16:38 New CB Consultora opinion poll, conducted shortly after run-off, highlights expectations – and preferences – regarding new president-elect Javier Milei's plans to reform Argentina's economy. by Felipe Leibovich
ELECTIONS 2023: POLLING Milei keeps edge over Massa with one week to go before run-off 11-11-2023 13:44 Brazil-based AtlasIntel puts Milei’s support at 49% compared to 45% for Economy Minister Sergio Massa, according to a poll released Friday.
ELECTION 2023 Presidential run-off 2023: Two new surveys differ on outcome 06-11-2023 14:57 Latest polls show once again that it's anyone's race – consultancy firms CB Consultora, which got its forecast right in the general election, and Analogías, predict different outcomes in the November 19 run-off.
ELECTIONS 2023 – POLLS Poll: Milei has narrow lead over Massa ahead of run-off 03-11-2023 17:27 Brazil-based AtlasIntel puts Milei’s support at 48.5% compared to 44.7% for Massa.
ELECTION 2023: POLLING Survey places Milei above Massa in run-off 02-11-2023 16:58 Study conducted by Inteligencia Analítica points to a potential “technical draw”, but places La Libertad Avanza lamwaker above Unión por la Patria candidate in voting intention.
ELECTION 2023: RUN-OFF POLLS First post-election surveys forecast different winners 25-10-2023 14:57 Proyecciones, one of the consultancies which correctly forecast that Massa and Milei would make the run-off, forecasts a clear triumph for the Unión por la Patria candidate, but another produced by CB Consultora gives the libertarian the win. by Felipe Leibovich
ECONOMIC INDICATORS Private study says food prices surged almost 13% in September 03-10-2023 17:24 Food prices increased by 12.8% on average in September, according to a new private study; Some items like sugar have soared by more than 280% in last year, reports Focus Market consultancy firm.
ELECTION 2023 Poll: Milei growing ahead of election, Massa on rise, Bullrich takes a dive 18-09-2023 17:41 New Opina Argentina survey offers projections ahead of the general election; Libertarian frontrunner grows in polls but comeback looks difficult for Bullrich; Massa on track to finish second.
OPINION & ANALYSIS Eduardo Porter: Latin America is waxing nostalgic for dictators 29-08-2023 10:09 Fifty years after Augusto Pinochet infamously squashed democracy in Chile, the false promise of authoritarian rule once again tempts the region’s citizens.
EDUCATION Lack of classroom days behind drive to private schooling, says polling 03-08-2023 06:15 New survey provides X-ray of Argentina’s education system and reveals teacher strikes are among, main motives for those choosing private education. Women, especially those with lower purchasing-power and living in Greater Buenos Aires, are the most concerned about lost days of classes, with the school syllabus one of the biggest worries. by Sabrina Chemen
As I see it Hard times coming for the common man 28-07-2023 19:18 If the people warning us about the dangers posed by the sudden arrival of Artificial Intelligence are right, the situation is about to get much worse. by James Neilson
ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Analysts in Argentina forecast 148.9% inflation in 2023 10-06-2023 08:45 Latest Central Bank survey of market expectations produces 148% estimate for inflation in 2023 – a 22-point hike on previous forecast.
ECONOMIC INDICATORS Food leads price surges as experts forecast 126% inflation rate 12-05-2023 10:42 Latest Central Bank survey estimates a 7.5% jump in prices for last month and a 126.4% annual increase; Argentina suffered second-highest jump in food costs over past year, according to World Bank.