Saturday, July 27, 2024

ECONOMY | 07-07-2022 01:24

Trade Secretary Hang departs with Scioli and La Cámpora defining Batakis’ team

Guillermo Hang leaves post after just over six weeks in role; New economy minister’s team begins to take shape.

Domestic Trade Secretary Guillermo Hang, in place for little more than six weeks since replacing Roberto Feletti in late May, will be following Martín Guzmán to the exit door, it emerged midweek.

The decision reached the press following a meeting between the new Economy Minister Silvina Batakis and President Alberto Fernández.

Entrusted by Guzmán with the task of countering inflation, Hang is set to be replaced by Martín Pollera, who like Batakis was an Interior Ministry official until the past week and like the new minister has experience of Buenos Aires provincial administration under 2007-2015 governor Daniel Scioli. 

An economics graduate from La Plata University – who defines himself on Twitter as "Economista. Maradoniano. Peronista" – Pollera, a Kirchnerista, was handpicked in 2019 by Interior Minister Eduardo ‘Wado’ de Pedro, a leading member of La Cámpora militant grouping, to be his undersecretary for development policies with regional equity. 

Previously Pollera had been industry secretary in Florencio Varela, an advisor to former industry minister Débora Giorgi and coordinator of the Buenos Aires Province statistics office under Scioli, as well as a member of the Fundación Observatorio PyME think tank, which is funded by leading industrial, financial, oil and auto companies, including Techint.

Pollera has already been conversing with the private sector in representation of Batakis, according to reports.

However, reports have also tipped Martín Di Bella, the current administrative secretary of the Buenos Aires provincial Senate, for the post. Like Pollera, he is also a La Plata economics graduate and also previously worked for Scioli as part of the economic team of Batakis when provincial minister as treasury undersecretary and a director of ARBA provincial tax bureau, among other provincial and national posts.

La Cámpora militant leader Juan Manuel Pignocco – a Frente para la Victoria senator in Buenos Aires Province since 2015 – is also in line to join the team of Batakis. 



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