Thursday, January 23, 2025

LATIN AMERICA | 25-11-2021 15:44

Chile’s conservative candidate Kast builds out economic team

Chilean presidential candidate expands team of economic advisers, including one from a centre-right rival he beat in Sunday’s election, as he seeks to broaden his business credentials.

Chile’s conservative presidential candidate José Antonio Kast expanded his team of economic advisers, including one from a centre-right rival he beat in Sunday’s election, as he seeks to broaden his business credentials ahead of the run-off next month.

Key policy goals such as lowering taxes will be done “in accordance with reality,” Kast said in a press conference. Foreign investors must go back to seeing Chile as a responsible country with a promising future, he said on Thursday.

Here are Kast’s main advisers:

Name Background
Sebastián Claro Former Central Bank board member
José Luis Daza Founder of QFR Capital Management
Sylvia Eyzaguirre Researcher at Centro de Estudios Publicos
Patricio Rojas Economist and former adviser to Sebastián Sichel
Cecilia Cifuentes Professor at Universidad de Los Andes
Soledad Arellano Professor at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Eduardo Guerrero Partner and director at Primus Capital
Claudio Lucarelli Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania


Kast topped the first round of presidential elections on Sunday, and will face off against former student protest leader Gabriel Boric in a highly polarised run-off on December 19. A trained lawyer and former lawmaker, Kast backs lower taxes, a smaller government and free enterprise. By contrast, Boric pledges higher levies, better public services and more equality.

On Thursday, Kast also said he is considering economic proposals from government coalition parties and that his program is “not set in stone.” 

Both Kast and Boric are rushing to secure endorsements while also adding on to their teams. This week, Boric included former central bank President Roberto Zahler and professor Andrea Repetto among his economic advisers.

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