Saturday, July 27, 2024

OPINION AND ANALYSIS | 03-02-2022 16:46

Inside the Kirchnerite march on the Supreme Court

Representatives of the ruling party and trade unionists sympathetic to the government were present. The reaction of the opposition.

A march amidst smoke and music, with markedly partisan characteristics, predominantly Kirchnerite, to the Palacio de Tribunales with a demand for the "democratisation of Justice."

In the midst of a clear tension between the ruling coaltion and the Judiciary, this week’s mobilisation was encouraged by the most hard-line ‘K’ sectors, under the slogan #1FMarchamosALaCorte. Federal Judge Juan María Ramos Padilla was among those present.

The trade union sector also made its presence known. The unions with the best relationship with the government marched behind veteran union leaders Hugo and Pablo Moyano. Among the union representatives were Roberto Baradel (secretary general of SUTEBA), Hugo Yasky (head of the CTA and national lawmaker, Frente de Todos), Omar ‘Caballo’ Suárez (United Maritime Workers Union) and Sergio Palazzo (secretary general of the bankers' Union). UOCRA also joined the demand and called for the "freedom of ‘Pata’ Medina"

As could not be otherwise, the political leaders present were Amado Boudou, Mayra Mendoza and Leopoldo Moreau, among others. The director of Legal Affairs of the Senate, Graciana Peñafort, and representatives of human rights organisations aligned with Kirchnerismo also took part: the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo – Founding Line, the City branch of HIJOS. and the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights (APDH), among others.

Finally, on behalf of the Actrices Argentinas group, Cristina Banegas and Luisa Kuliok read a document during the main event, following an address by Judge Ramos Padilla, the main speaker.

Criticism rained down from the opposition. One of the most relevant declarations came from Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, the head of the Buenos Aires City government, who expressed his concern through social networks about a "systematic attack by the government on judges" who do not act according to their interests. He expressed his concern about the promotion of bills that, according to the PRO official, seek to undermine the independence of the Judiciary.


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by Sol Rodríguez Iglesias & Melody Acosta, via Noticias


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