Thursday, September 19, 2024

WORLD | Today 16:53

Adorni: Relations with US do not depend on who wins election

Milei administration takes foreign policy precautions as Adorni is quizzed over Milei’s support for Trump.

Javier Milei’s chief spokesperson says Argentina will not “take a position” on the upcoming election in the United States – despite the President’s preferences being clear.

Speaking at a press conference at the Casa Rosada on Wednesday, Presidential Spokesperson Manuel Adorni pushed back on claims that Milei’s public admiration of former US president Donald Trump could damage bilateral relations between the two nations.

President Milei "will not take a position. The position we have with the United States is independent of who wins the elections," said the official. 

Adorni clarified that “beyond [Milei’s] personal preferences that he may have, he is not going to take a position.”

“It is a matter of internal politics for the United States,” added Adorni, indicating that Buenos Aires would maintain the traditional diplomatic stance of not interfering in the domestic issues of other nations.

Milei has repeatedly expressed his administration for Trump, who he met for the first time at a conservative summit in Washington back in February. During their brief encounter, the Argentine leader said he hoped the Republican won the upcoming election.

In a recent interview, the La Libertad Avanza leader said he and the former US president were “the two most relevant politicians on planet Earth.”

The feeling, it seems, is mutual. "He is one of the few who can make Argentina great again,” is what Trump had to say about Milei at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). 
The Republican candidate further praised Milei in March, highlighting that “He’s a big Trump guy. He loves Trump, I love him, because he loves Trump.” 

Since then, however, a lot has changed. Incumbent US president Joe Biden dropped out of the electoral race for 2024, and Vice-President Kamala Harris was selected as the Democratic nominee. 

To Milei’s likely dissatisfaction, according to 270toWIN, the US polls currently have the Vice President leading by 3.1 percent as of September 18. 

With the potential of having a non-Trump presidency for the next four years, it appears Argentina's libertarian government has made the decision to place their bets more evenly, and avoid going all-in. 



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