EDITORIAL Towards a supremo’s court Today 06:27 Both the presidential Supreme Court nominees, Ariel Lijo and Manuel García-Mansilla, present problems. These are rather simpler in the latter case.
Editorial La $Libra no avanza 22-02-2025 06:05 There can be no excuse for a President turning into an influencer for such a risky venture. A trained economist should always check the facts before reaching conclusions.
EDITORIAL Exeunt severally 15-02-2025 06:26 Volatility would seem to be the middle name of the Milei administration.
Editorial Super size peso 08-02-2025 06:46 The peso is a palpably overvalued currency. Denialism is not the solution but nor is devaluation.
Editorial Into More Funds? 01-02-2025 00:01 There seems to be a complacent assumption in many government circles that negotiations with the International Monetary Fund are a slam dunk now that Donald Trump occupies the White House.
Editorial A star is born(e) 25-01-2025 06:33 President Javier Milei returns home today from a stellar week abroad, but yet again Milei has wasted chances to promote overseas investment at an international forum.
Editorial Brave new world or tempest? 18-01-2025 06:49 Slaying the inflationary dragon is both the cornerstone of Milei’s economic policy and the key to electoral success, but the sequence between lower inflation and electoral triumph is not so linear.
Editorial Flotsam and jetsam not always adrift 11-01-2025 06:39 While so much could happen in the country and the world in the next nine months, everything now points to the midterms going Milei’s way, even if it will be a relative victory.
Editorial The year ahead 04-01-2025 06:24 An electoral year already anticipated well in advance offers no clearer horizons now that it has started.
end-of-year editorial So long to 2024... and welcome to 2025 28-12-2024 16:41 The Milei presidency begins this year riding the crest of a wave but neither the rest of the world nor the existence of black swans can be ignored and nor is the economy the only issue.
EDITORIAL The near in blood, the nearer bloody 21-12-2024 05:07 Time to stop being the snake biting its own tail and return to being the libertarian lion against the caste instead of co-opting it.
EDITORIAL Party in both its meanings 14-12-2024 06:30 Depicting Edgardo Kueider as a pure Kirchnerite will not wash – not only has he delivered some key votes for the Milei government, he was also star spin doctor Santiago Caputo’s nominee to chair the bicameral intelligence commission.
EDITORIAL The year of the lion 07-12-2024 06:17 Milei’s first year in office has seen much more grey than its inflamed and somewhat arbitrary crusade against the “caste” of drab democratic politics would care to admit.
EDITORIAL Home away from Rome 30-11-2024 05:06 Returning Argentina to the world is not a straight or single line like any flight abroad – nor for that matter like domestic economic policy.
EDITORIAL A little piece of heaven 23-11-2024 06:00 The launch of libertarian shock troops Las Fuerzas de Cielo was but one of various seismic movements in this jacaranda month of November.
EDITORIAL A not so decisive decision 16-11-2024 05:52 This week’s court ruling seems to have done nothing to derail the widespread expectation of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner running in next year’s midterms as the focal opposition leader.
Editorial Trump card, or joker? 09-11-2024 06:06 Milei is entitled to celebrate the convincing Republican win as a supreme booster for a global trend towards the far right but would be rather less accurate if he hailed it as an advance of his libertarian crusade against the deep state.
EDITORIAL Another one bites the dust 02-11-2024 06:50 The fiscal and macro-economic stability so obsessively sought by President Milei finds its antithesis in extreme administrative volatility, when political fragmentation could be permitting calmer waters.
Editorial A totalitarian all or a nihilistic nothing 26-10-2024 05:27 While verbally aspiring to ending Kirchnerism, Milei is doing much to revive it with his modus operandi.
EDITORIAL Obscurity obstructs security 19-10-2024 06:46 Both Peronism and the business world are undergoing a transitional phase.
EDITORIAL Reducing the issue 12-10-2024 06:16 Both sides fall into the error of reducing this issue to a budget tussle without bringing up the major structural problems of university education.
EDITORIAL It’s the education, stupid 05-10-2024 06:24 When presenting the 2025 Budget in mid-September, Milei defined his fundamental fiscal principle as first defining the available revenue and then adjusting the spending to it – modernising the university system to that end could be an interesting application of that principle. But instead his primitive proposal is literally to cut university spending in half with his chainsaw.
EDITORIAL The Wall Street shuffle 28-09-2024 06:27 Milei doubtless imagined that he was ringing his own Liberty Bell but it was also a self-excommunication from the international community which might well send alarm-bells ringing, not least among Wall Street investors.
EDITORIAL Painting without numbers 21-09-2024 00:36 Milei’s maximalist stance last Sunday might have experience in mind: the logic of only obtaining half of the requested still being a substantial gain.
EDITORIAL Nobody wins 14-09-2024 06:37 Milei risks his popularity with insensitivity towards pensioners in the name of maintaining a fiscal surplus.
EDITORIAL Making public private 07-09-2024 05:55 Not the first contradiction with its self-image but a government calling itself libertarian and seeking to restrict access to public information is really starting to take the biscuit.
EDITORIAL Libertarian entrapment 31-08-2024 05:21 The paradox of a libertarian government revering the free market while unable to exit bureaucratic Kirchnerite capital controls has already drawn comment but the reduction of the PAIS tax exposes another contradiction.
EDITORIAL Tinkering and tailoring the judge and the spy 24-08-2024 05:55 While “Big Brother” espionage would seem to contradict the libertarian creed in general, the nomination of the controversial federal judge Ariel Lijo for the Supreme Court flies in the face of Milei’s electoral crusade against a corrupt “caste.”
Editorial Inflation down on its all fours? 17-08-2024 05:39 The main obstacle to zero inflation is zero certainty as to the future.
EDITORIAL In default and by default 10-08-2024 05:45 The moral bankruptcy of the main opposition front is a vital lifeline for a government facing enormous difficulties in restructuring Argentina.
EDITORIAL Between Tucumán and Asunción 13-07-2024 07:44 President Milei’s decision to skip the Mercosur summit does more to compromise Argentina’s future than his photograph and 10-point pact does to advance it.
Editorial When Loan is a national debt 29-06-2024 04:22 On the nationwide clamour for the reappearance of a missing child.
EDITORIAL And so it begins 22-06-2024 05:03 Javier Milei now prepares to move into the second half of the calendar year amid every indication of a whole new ball game.
EDITORIAL Bases loaded with grand slam yet to come 15-06-2024 06:50 The Senate vote was a close-run thing but perhaps Milei gains more from near defeat within Congress and violence outside than from a comfortable and peaceful victory.
EDITORIAL Risky Investment Guarantee Inconsistencies 01-06-2024 05:45 The primacy of the fiscal over the economic causes problems elsewhere.
EDITORIAL The pain in Spain falls mainly on the gain 25-05-2024 06:35 This dispute is far more easily personalised as being between President Milei and Spain’s PM Pedro Sánchez rather than between the two nations.
EDITORIAL Single digit should not mean single issue 18-05-2024 06:13 Single-digit inflation relieves the poor more than anybody but comes at a price – must they also be the ones to pay it?
EDITORIAL Contradictions and multitudes 11-05-2024 06:07 The Javier Milei Presidency has never been short of contradictions.
EDITORIAL Loading the bases 04-05-2024 05:43 With a government yet to complete its first 150 days and Senate passage of Milei’s mega-law still lying ahead, we are not even at the end of the beginning.
EDITORIAL Missing the point 27-04-2024 05:38 Milei misread the demonstration as “the caste” riding a noble cause to defend its interests but the scale, spontaneity and peaceful nature of the protest argue against this bid to politicise the march.
EDITORIAL Pre-paid or re-paid? 20-04-2024 05:14 Subordinating medical fees to the dictates of a usually populist government did not work since it placed pricing hopelessly out of sync with the costs, but the naïve faith that the market could correct the damage of years in three months was a non-starter.
Editorial The medium as the message 13-04-2024 05:54 Milei is the leader of a pack which competes to be the most outrageous but this week he seems to have been trumped by an underling: Alberto ‘Bertie’ Benegas Lynch.
Editorial Mixed messages 06-04-2024 06:29 While Argentina’s government has turned full circle between the two Easters from leftist populism to far right devotees of the market calling themselves libertarians, inflation persists as the basic fact of life .
EDITORIAL The forces of Earth 30-03-2024 05:15 All the suffering of Good Friday was followed by Resurrection Sunday but can we be sure of the same sequence for Argentina?
EDITORIAL 48 years and 100 days later 23-03-2024 06:34 Tomorrow is the 48th anniversary of the 1976 military coup, while last Tuesday marked the classic first 100 days of the Javier Milei Presidency.
EDITORIAL Belling terror 16-03-2024 06:41 The solution to drug crime bloodshed in Rosario is far from being as brutally simple as the problem, as some would seem to think.
Editorial The Pact of May (or maybe?) 09-03-2024 06:30 This month and the next stand to be the eye of a perfect storm – a rare moment in the always abnormal Argentine economy which is a nightmare for spenders and savers alike.
EDITORIAL Pouring oil on the flames 02-03-2024 05:57 If the spark that lit the fire was the threat of Chubut’s PRO Governor Ignacio Torres to cut off all oil and gas unless the cutbacks were reversed, this might appear a wild outburst – but it was less random and accidental than it might seem.
EDITORIAL Poverty also in the debate 24-02-2024 06:08 Discussing figures is one thing and denialism quite another – this applies to the human rights debate and it also applies to poverty.