BEYOND THE HEADLINES Primaries (time and) Again Serve Oppositions 15-02-2025 06:05 Introduced little more than 15 years ago for less than noble reasons and widely rejected today as a waste of time and money, the PASO primaries will not be missed by many. by Michael Soltys
Election 2023: BUENOS AIRES CITY Santoro pulls out of City mayoral run-off, handing Jorge Macri victory 24-10-2023 15:22 Unión por la Patria mayoral candidate Leandro Santoro decides not to compete in a run-off against rival Jorge Macri; With count ongoing, campaign says team have realised they cannot win, but sceptics will see move as a cynical bid to dampen turnout by Juntos por el Cambio voters on November 19. by James Grainger
Election 2023: BUENOS AIRES CITY Jorge Macri wins big City mayoral race but will face run-off 23-10-2023 04:41 Juntos por el Cambio close to retaining control in its stronghold; Jorge Macri almost wins in first round but will now face run-off against Leandro Santoro; Opposition also wins in Entre Ríos Province, but Catamarca will remain Peronist. by James Grainger
INTERVIEW Jorge Macri: ‘If Patricia Bullrich makes the run-off, she’s president’ 17-10-2023 08:15 Buenos Aires City mayoral candidate if confident Juntos por el Cambio will make it into the second round of the presidential election, pointing to “plenty of crossover” between Sergio Massa and Javier Milei and affirming that “the proximity to Luis Barrionuevo shows a dependence on the traditional political mechanisms” on the part of the liberals. by Ezequiel Spillman
Elections 2023 Cross attitudes and crossfire as Marra targeted in City mayoral debate 28-09-2023 17:01 Four candidates to be the next mayor of Buenos Aires City – Jorge Macri, Leandro Santoro, Ramiro Marra and Vanina Viassi – take part in first televised debate; Libertarian draws eye with aggressive approach and strange comments.
MASSA TO STAY ON Government lines up behind Massa ahead of new measures 17-08-2023 19:45 Government lines up behind economy minister as he prepares new measures to ease devaluation.
JAVIER MILEI INTERVIEW Milei says he’d reject ‘assassin’ China, take Argentina out of Mercosur 16-08-2023 22:04 Presidential frontrunner doesn’t want to engage with leftists; Diana Mondino to run foreign ministry if president, Milei says.
JAVIER MILEI INTERVIEW Milei vows to pay country’s debt while shuttering the Central Bank 16-08-2023 21:45 Presidential candidate reiterates criticism of Central Bank and says fiscal plan will create financing; Sovereign bonds have sold off since unexpected result.
PASO PRIMARIES 20223 Milei to start talks with IMF on US$44-billion programme 15-08-2023 14:00 Javier Milei reveals his sister and campaign manager Karina received a call from IMF officials to set up a meeting following an upset victory on Aug. 13, without giving details on the still-to-be scheduled encounter.
PASO PRIMARIES 2023 – ANALYSIS Libertarian shift – the 16 provinces where Javier Milei triumphed 14-08-2023 13:24 Economist and national deputy scored surprising wins in 16 of the 24 districts across national territory; Stronger than expected performance outside of the capital and Buenos Aires Province.
ELECTION 2023: PASO PRIMARIES Outsider Milei leads Argentina’s primary with strong showing 13-08-2023 23:05 Libertarian lawmaker Javier Milei leads crucial primary vote with stronger-than-expected performance that upends presidential race, increasing uncertainty ahead of October election.
EDITORIAL A nation votes and reality bites 10-08-2023 23:39 A brutal campaign brought the PASO primary campaign to a shuddering halt midweek – this black swan could end up resetting the central question of this election.
ELECTIONS 2023 – ANALYSIS Three surprises 10-08-2023 23:30 The harrowing nature of the crime, the fact that it was caught on security cameras and broadcasted nationally almost in real time, and its proximity to the PASO primaries means it could have a lasting impact on the political field. by Agustino Fontevecchia
CRIME & SECURITY Lanús: 11-year-old girl dies after being robbed on way to school 09-08-2023 13:23 Insecurity rises to fore in final days of campaigning for PASO primaries; 11-year-old girl dies from injuries sustained in robbery by two motorcycle thieves while walking to school.
ELECTION 2023 Ruling coalition ramps up rhetoric as primaries draw closer 07-08-2023 14:39 Alberto Fernández slams lack of proposals from opposition presidential candidates on Sunday as ruling coalition leaders ramp up rhetoric ahead of the PASOs.
ELECTION 2023 August 13 PASO primaries – the frontrunners 01-07-2023 06:36 There will be 13 presidential tickets on the ballot come August 13, but most analysts believe only four candidates have a real chance of becoming Argentina’s next head of state.
INTERVIEW / PERIODISMO PURO Alfredo Cornejo: ‘People vote far more freely in the PASOs’ 23-06-2023 01:11 Senator Alfredo Cornejo, candidate for Mendoza Province governor and a leading figure in the Unión Cívica Radical, on the provincial elections so far and his party's relationship with PRO. by Jorge Fontevecchia
MARKETS Election bet pushes Argentina’s Merval to highest since 2019 22-06-2023 00:42 Index has climbed 43.7% in dollars so far this year to highest levels since PASO primaries four years ago.
ELECTIONS 2023 Argentina’s political hegemony crumbles in the face of primaries 17-06-2023 06:04 In a nation accustomed to charismatic leaders that create vertical organisations, the fragmentation of the political field is creating a whole lot of stress and volatility. And savagery has taken over. by Agustino Fontevecchia
INTERVIEW / PERIODISMO PURO Patricia Bullrich: ‘I’m carrying out a campaign of truth’ 26-05-2023 17:00 Presidential hopeful and former security minister on having the character to lead, the challenges facing Argentina and how she wants to change the country. by Jorge Fontevecchia
ELECTION 2023: FRENTE DE TODOS With Cristina out the race, talks over ruling coalition's candidates ramp up 24-05-2023 10:23 With Cristina Fernández de Kirchner officially out of the running, discussions over Frente de Todos’ potential presidential candidates are speeding up.
ELECTIONS 2023: ANALYSIS Candidate without a ballot: CFK will campaign to ensure transfer of votes 23-05-2023 15:31 Cristina Fernández de Kirchner does not want an extended PASO campaign for the ruling party. In this election, the most important thing is the ‘floor,’ not the ‘ceiling,’ she believes. by Rosario Ayerdi
ELECTIONS 2023 City mayoral race takes shape as PRO leaders align 16-05-2023 22:15 Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Patricia Bullrich agree to unite behind a single candidate in capital; PRO will stage competitive PASO in Buenos Aires Province.
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Still mucking around with Milei 14-04-2023 09:58 Argentina's outspoken libertarian expresses a civic frustration that promises unpredictable consequences – it would suit politics to take him seriously and stop playing with fire. by Javier Calvo
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Lacking agreement, Frente de Todos heads towards decisive month 12-04-2023 23:23 Ruling coalition no closer to deciding its line-up for the PASO primaries; Justicialist Party (PJ) National Council set to meet at the end of April, but President Alberto Fernandez will not define his candidacy until May. by Rosario Ayerdi
POLITICS Eduardo ‘Wado’ de Pedro: Frente de Todos will hold presidential primary 05-04-2023 11:55 Interior minister and La Cámpora leader Eduardo ‘Wado’ de Pedro says ruling coalition will go to PASO to decide its presidential candidate, adding that outcome is a result of a unilateral decision by President Alberto Fernández.
POLITICS: CITY ‘Single PRO candidate in City PASO’ – Rodríguez Larreta accepts Macri’s condition 30-03-2023 18:07 Buenos Aires City Mayor Horacio Rodríguez Larreta hints that neither of his ministers, Soledad Acuña nor Fernán Quirós, will be able to compete against Jorge Macri, former president’s cousin, in opposition PASO.
Politics Espert’s call for 'mega PASO' reignites opposition debate 29-03-2023 00:57 Avanza Libertad lawmaker José Luis Espert reignites Juntos por el Cambio's internal debate over liberal and libertarian voters by revealing that he is in talks with opposition leaders over a new electoral alliance for the PASO primaries.
ELECTIONS 2023 Dates defined: Argentina’s 2023 electoral timeline confirmed 16-03-2023 18:05 The National Electoral Court on Thursday approved the timetable for this year’s elections, including the dates of the primaries and general elections.
POLITICS – OPINION Enemies 15-03-2023 11:55 Does Alberto Fernández really believe that he has a chance of winning a head-to-head battle with a candidate supported by Cristina, or better still, with the vice-president herself? by Carlos De Angelis