Ecuador election 2025 Ecuador heads to election run-off between Noboa and González 10-02-2025 08:58 With more than 90% of the ballots counted, incumbent President Daniel Noboa has 44.3% and rival Luisa González 43.8%, with a run-off set to decide the nation's future.
POLITICS IN URUGUAY Orsi, Uruguay's president-elect, visits mentor Mujica after run-off win 25-11-2024 22:22 Frente Amplio leader Yamandú Orsi, who won last Sunday's presidential run-off plays up ties to ex-president Jose 'Pepe' Mujica ahead of taking office.
uruguay election 2024 Orsi wins Uruguay election as voters oust incumbent party 25-11-2024 13:03 Anti-incumbent trend in the Americas continues in Uruguay as voters’ worries about inequality and crime spur change of government.
URUGUAY ELECTION 2024 Uruguay readies for polls with Frente Amplio hoping for comeback 22-11-2024 10:03 Álvaro Delgado of outgoing president Luis Lacalle Pou's ruling coalition, and Yamandú Orsi, of the left-wing Frente Amplio coalition, go head-to-head in the Uruguay's presidential election run-off.
ELECTIONS 2023 – ANALYSIS Living in Milei’s world 25-11-2023 14:22 These initial steps are positive in maintaining the situation from blowing up but they are insufficient in and of themselves. Not only would this cordiality and cooperation have to be maintained over time, Milei’s strategy would actually have to work. by Agustino Fontevecchia
CAMPAIGN COMMENTS Method in his madness? 25-11-2023 14:16 Javier Milei’s solitary rise to the top from almost nowhere in a couple of years is more apparent than real. The key to this success is more like the solution to Agatha Christie’s 'Murder on the Orient Express' – they all did it. by Michael Soltys
ELECTION 2023: FALL-OUT Fernández, Milei meet at Olivos for talks on transition of power 21-11-2023 10:02 Argentina's current president and president-elect meet at Olivos presidential residence for talks over transition of power; Official photograph of encounter released by government.
ELECTION 2023: FALL-OUT Milei says no transition meeting planned as Massa decides to stay on 20-11-2023 18:39 Javier Milei says that "there is no meeting planned" with President Alberto Fernández and says responsibility for period until December 10 inauguration lies with head of state and Sergio Massa, who decides to stay on as economy minister.
ELECTIONS 2023 – ANALYSIS Into the unknown 20-11-2023 16:44 The emergence of an anti-political outsider and redrawing the map of the political scenario on yet uncertain bases – those are the first conclusions left by the consecration of Javier Milei. by Walter Curia
FOREIGN POLICY & DIPLOMACY Milei confirms visits to US, Israel before December 10 inauguration 20-11-2023 13:23 Libertarian president-elect Javier Milei, who will be sworn-in as Argentina's head of state on December 10, confirms visits to New York, Miami and Israel before inauguration.
ELECTION 2023: REACTION IMF chief looks forward to 'working closely' with Javier Milei 20-11-2023 11:18 Reacting to Javier Milei's election win, Kristalina Georgieva says she looked forward to working with Argentina's president-elect.
BLOOMBERG - ANALYSIS Milei opens a new era: What comes next in Argentina policy-making 20-11-2023 09:25 Milei’s biggest political challenge will be his lack of support in Congress, where his party only counts a minority of senators and a fraction of lower house representatives.
EL LOCO'S BIOGRAPHER Milei has won – what next for Argentina? 20-11-2023 00:58 The outspoken libertarian is Argentina's next president. An unstable leader taking the reins of an unstable country. How much of his promises will he keep, or want to keep? by Juan Luis González
MARKETS Argentina investors cheer Milei victory, brace for peso sell-off 20-11-2023 00:37 Investors cheered libertarian economist Javier Milei’s bigger-than-expected win in Sunday’s presidential vote and his pledge to usher in a radical remake of South America’s second-largest economy.
LIBERTARIANS CELEBRATE RESULT 'The caste is afraid!' – Milei's voters roar for change in Argentina 20-11-2023 00:22 Javier Milei's supporters celebrated wildly on Sunday night as election results confirmed him as Argentina's next president-elect.
ELECTION 2023: FALL-OUT Report: Economy Minister Massa ‘to take leave of absence’ 19-11-2023 23:59 Argentina’s Economy Minister Sergio Massa will reportedly seek a leave of absence from his post to "facilitate the transition" with President-elect Javier Milei; President Alberto Fernández speaks with election winner and duo agree to meet Monday for talks.
ELECTION 2023: run-off United States government congratulates Milei on election win 19-11-2023 23:52 The United States congratulated Argentina's president-elect Javier Milei on his election victory Sunday, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken praising the "strong turnout and peaceful conduct of the vote."
ELECTION 2023: REACTION Musk, Trump and Bolsonaro hail Milei's win in Argentina 19-11-2023 23:14 Right-wingers in the Americas cheer Javier Milei's victory over Sergio Massa in Sunday's run-off.
ELECTION 2023: REACTION President-elect Milei vows to end ‘Argentine decadence’ in speech 19-11-2023 22:37 In a victory speech to adoring cheer-filled supporters, Argentina's president-elect Javier Milei on Sunday vowed to begin "the reconstruction of Argentina" and end the country's economic decline.
PRESIDENT MILEI: REACTION Governments in Americas congratulate Milei on election triumph 19-11-2023 22:09 Presidents, prime ministers and political leaders across the Americas offer congratulations to Argentina's President-elect Javier Milei.
ELECTION 2023 Milei: Economist who ignited rage wins race for Presidency 19-11-2023 21:57 Javier Milei has upended Argentine politics in a meteoric rise from obscurity to the Presidency, riding a wave of fury over decades of economic decline and rampant inflation.
ELECTION 2023: RUN-OFF Argentina takes leap into unknown with Javier Milei as president 19-11-2023 21:20 Attention will now turn to how Javier Milei implements his most contested measures with only a handful of representatives in a fragmented congress and an impatient electorate. He will take office December 10.
ELECTION 2023 Libertarian lawmaker Milei wins presidential election 19-11-2023 20:58 Libertarian outsider pulls off massive upset with a resounding win in Argentina's presidential election, a stinging rebuke of the traditional parties that have overseen decades of economic decline.
ELECTION 2023 Outsider Milei beats Massa in Argentina presidential run-off 19-11-2023 20:31 Javier Milei, a libertarian candidate with radical solutions to Argentina’s economic crisis, has won the presidential run-off.
Election 2023 run-off results President Milei – Libertarian wins Argentina's election run-off 19-11-2023 20:03 Outspoken libertarian lawmaker Javier Milei – who has promised to dollarise Argentina's economy and "dynamite" the Central Bank – wins race to be nation's next president; Sergio Massa concedes defeat in speech from ruling coalition's bunker.
ELECTION 2023: RUN-OFF Massa concedes defeat; Milei elected Argentina's next president 19-11-2023 17:47 Economy Minister Sergio Massa concedes defeat in election run-off and congratulates rival; Libertarian lawmaker Javier Milei elected Argentina's next president.
Election 2023 Nation votes in cliffhanger election run-off 19-11-2023 12:58 According to Argentina's National Electoral Chamber, 30% of the electoral roll had voted by midday – close to the same level is in the election's first round.
ELECTIONS 2023 – ANALYSIS Already in unchartered territory 18-11-2023 06:55 The emergence of Javier Milei and his libertarian coalition, La Libertad Avanza, has happened in tandem with a fatal erosion of the bonds holding Argentina’s hegemonic coalitions together. by Agustino Fontevecchia
CAMPAIGN COMMENTS Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow 18-11-2023 06:42 Democratic voting in Argentina ran on the basis of simple majorities until 1972 when that system was a non-starter for a military régime since it would guarantee victory for a Juan Domingo Perón. In order to give themselves the faint chance of the anti-Peronist chunk of society outnumbering the Peronist masses if obliged to vote en bloc, they introduced a system whereby nothing short of an absolute majority would permit victory in the first round. by Michael Soltys
EDITORIAL A long road ends and a journey begins 18-11-2023 06:08 Nothing ends irreversibly tomorrow – rather than any apocalypse now, it needs to be seen within the grander context of these four continuing decades of democracy.
ELECTIONS 2023 La Libertad Avanza walk back election fraud claims 17-11-2023 17:14 Libertarian party’s lawyer presents Twitter screenshots and press clippings to support allegations of irregularities, but says LLA isn’t denouncing fraud but seeking greater precautions.
ELECTIONS 2023 Argentina’s heartland shows quandary of election choice few want 17-11-2023 07:24 Argentina’s electoral dilemma is arguably felt most acutely in Cordoba, where 1.2 million voters opted for neither of the candidates in the run-off — the highest percentage of any district in the country.
ELECTION 2023: RUN-OFF Concern over libertarian fraud claims with tight run-off expected 17-11-2023 07:20 Argentines go to the polls on Sunday to decide if Sergio Massa or Javier Milei will be the country’s next president; Libertarian’s party raises spectre of fraud with ‘irregularities’ and ballots claims but electoral authorities say they are unfounded.
ELECTIONS 2023 Javier Milei, the fiery outsider who upended nation's politics 17-11-2023 01:01 With his wild hair, angry outbursts and a powered-up chainsaw, Javier Milei has had a meteoric rise.
ELECTIONS 2023 Haunted by inflation, Sergio Massa seeks the Presidency 17-11-2023 00:57 A wily and seasoned politician, Sergio Massa confounded pollsters by winning the most votes in a first-round election. Can he convince voters, despite his performance as economy minister?
ELECTIONS 2023 Nation faces nail-biter election as economy crumbles 17-11-2023 00:47 Sergio Massa and Javier Milei will face off in a run-off presidential election on Sunday, a battle between two wildly different versions of the country. Polls have the candidates neck-and-neck, with Milei at a very slight advantage.
CANDIDATE PROFILES Massa: Experienced operator running on an unenviable record 17-11-2023 00:36 Two candidates, one winner. A look at the two hopefuls competing for the Casa Rosada.
CANDIDATE PROFILES Milei: Outsider now just one step away from power 17-11-2023 00:35 Two candidates, one winner. A look at the two hopefuls competing for the Casa Rosada.
ELECTIONS 2023 Massa and Milei end campaigns ahead of tight vote 17-11-2023 00:25 Economy Minister Sergio Massa and libertarian lawmaker Javier Milei closed their campaigns on Thursday, ahead of a tense and tight contest in which every vote counts.
ELECTIONS 2023 – MARKETS After US$24-billion wipeout, Argentina’s bonds face election test 16-11-2023 11:12 Holders of some US$65 billion of sovereign debt — including major investors like Pimco, BlackRock and Fidelity — have seen Argentina's bonds haemorrhage in value since 2020. And they know, if history is any guide, that more losses are likely.
ELECTIONS 2023 'The lesser evil': Argentina frozen by indecision ahead of vote 16-11-2023 00:36 According to an average of opinion polls, between 7% and 13% of voters in Argentina are undecided or planning to cast a blank ballot in this Sunday's run-off.
Living with inflation A shirt for rice: bartering to survive in inflation-battered Argentina 15-11-2023 11:06 Faced with soaring prices as inflation bites away at purchasing power, ever-increasing numbers of Argentines are turning to bartering to make ends meet.
ELECTION 2023 Fed-up farmers lean towards outsider Milei 14-11-2023 15:38 The countryside, one of the prime engines of Argentina’s economy, is arriving to the presidential run-off full of uncertainty.
ARGENTINA-CHINA RELATIONS Argentina's election will impact China's reach in Latin America 14-11-2023 14:06 Argentina’s run-off vote this month has stakes far beyond a hard-fought local election: Massa, from the ruling Peronist coalition is seeking stronger links with China; Libertarian outsider Javier Milei, in contrast, has referred to the Asian nation as an “assassin.”
ELECTION 2023 Massa or Milei? Latin American and European leaders give their opinion 14-11-2023 13:27 Spanish-speaking former presidents and prominent intellectuals are stating their positions on Sunday's run-off in Argentina.
Presidential debate Last debate sees Massa going on the attack against Milei 13-11-2023 13:55 Sergio Massa and Javier Milei faced off on Sunday night in a new debate format that allowed for more sparring between the two than in previous editions.
ELECTION 2023: RUN-OFF DEBATE Massa, Milei trade blows over character, policies in run-off debate 12-11-2023 22:44 Presidential candidates for Unión por la Patria, Sergio Massa, and La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, face off in final debate before voters go to the polls; Both seeking to win over undecided voters in final stretch of campaign.
ELECTIONS 2023: POLLING Milei keeps edge over Massa with one week to go before run-off 11-11-2023 13:44 Brazil-based AtlasIntel puts Milei’s support at 49% compared to 45% for Economy Minister Sergio Massa, according to a poll released Friday.
ELECTION 2023: RUN-OFF The death of moderation and the triumph of polarisation 11-11-2023 05:48 Milei seems to be recovering lost ground after a surprise defeat in the general election. If we are to believe any of the opinion polls that have come out recently (which we should read only with scepticism) the ultra-libertarian holds a thin lead over the economy minister. There seems to be a clear reversal of the post-election sentiment that Massa is already on the way to the Casa Rosada. by Agustino Fontevecchia