Sunday, October 6, 2024

ARGENTINA | 24-10-2022 16:17

Máximo Kirchner: ‘I don't think Cristina will be a candidate in 2023’

Frente de Todos national deputy says that “today, Peronism has no candidates” but that his mother, Cristina Fernándex de Kirchner, is unlikely to run for president next year.

National lawmaker Máximo Kirchner has cast doubt over the likelihood of his mother making a run for the Presidency in 2023, saying he thinks Vice-President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner "will not be a candidate in 2023."

Commenting on the former president's political outlook, one year before Argentina goes to the polls for a general election, Kirchner said that his mother had "already made a great effort," adding that the "wear and tear" of holding political office on an individual "is very great."

"She gave way in 2019 when she was naturally a candidate" and "made a decision, which in my opinion was wrong," said the deputy, referring to Fernández de Kirchner's decision to choose Alberto Fernández as the presidential hopeful for Frente de Todos three years ago.

Quizzed about the ruling coalition's potential candidates for office next year, Kirchner responded bluntly that "Peronism has no candidates" other than the current office-holder. "Alberto said he is going to be a candidate," said Kirchner. "[Sergio] Massa has already said he will not."

He also cast doubt over the idea that President Fernández should face a PASO primary election with other competitors, describing the idea as "strange" for "a party in office."

Regarding other potential candidates, Kirchner talked up Interior Minister Eduardo 'Wado' De Pedro, a fellow leader of the La Cámpora political youth grouping.

"He is very capable, he goes and he walks. I would like him. He is a good activist, you work very well with him. He is hard-working, he walks, he has good judgement and is at a very interesting age: being 45, 50 years old to be president is a good age," he told El Destape Radio.

Kirchner also said that Buenos Aires Province Governor Axel Kicillof was likely to run again for re-election.





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