Sunday, January 26, 2025

ARGENTINA | 11-10-2022 14:37

Micaela Morán to replace Tolosa Paz in lower house

Victoria Tolosa Paz to take on Social Development Ministry, with ex-Transport ministry official and Frente Renovador politician Micaela Morán entering the Chamber of Deputies.

With the arrival of Victoria Tolosa Paz at the helm of the Social Development Ministry, the seat she held in the Chamber of Deputies has become vacant. The place will be taken by Micaela Morán, a leader of the Sergio Massa’s Frente Renovador group, who until this weekend was a serving official in the Transport Ministry.

Morán, who is also an ad honorem councillor for the city of Zárate, is leaving her position as Planning and Coordination undersecretary of the portfolio led by Alexis Guerrera to join the Frente de Todos caucus in the Chamber of Deputies headed by Germán Martínez from Santa Fe.

Morán was in 17th on the list of candidates for national deputies for the Frente de Todos in Buenos Aires Province in last year's elections. She is the wife of former professional tennis player José ‘Chucho’ Acasuso, who served as an official in the provincial government led by opposition ex-governor María Eugenia Vidal.

Morán entered the Transport Ministry in February 2022, but at the time she decided with Alexis Guerrera and Sergio Massa to continue as a councillor of Zárate ad honorem.

With this latest parliamentary switch, Frente Renovador adds one more seat to its grouping within the ruling coalition’s caucus. Massa’s group already has a significant weight since the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Cecilia Moreau, also responds to his political leadership.



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