Sunday, October 6, 2024

ARGENTINA | 17-04-2024 16:40

Group of Unión por la Patria deputies ready to back Milei’s Omnibus bill

"Yes to the law, no to the Emergency Decree." Sources in Peronist caucus say some deputies – who will not make their stance public for now – will back President Milei’s reform bill in Congress.

In favour of the ‘Omnibus’ Law, against the emergency decree. That is the stance of a group of deputies within the Unión por la Patria caucus who confirmed to Perfil that they will vote to approve the law to “provide” President Javier Milei “with a management tool.”

At the same time, they flatly refused to back the DNU (Decree of Necessity and Urgency)still in force to date, which the lower house Chamber of Deputies could repeal briefly.

“We can’t rob the Government of all its influence. It would be going against the people's will. We have to be aware of that. There will be plenty of us Peronist legislators in favour of the law,” said one deputy from Argentina’s north.

“It’s a different bill from its original version, which modified fiscal matters and it treats labour matters separately. We need to give a signal to the world with a new President,” said the lawmaker, who preferred to remain anonymous “to avoid any pressure from the bloc.” 

Regardless of the strategy to provide the libertarians with “management tools,” there is another major reason for voting in favour. “We can’t always be on the side of La Cámpora people. There is a very strong inward process of discussion. Nobody can force you to vote one way because of what they say at Instituto Patria” think-tank, the source said.

The Unión por la Patria (UxP) bloc has 99 deputies. Even though a blanket refusal from the entire space was expected, during negotiations between the Executive Branch and provincial governors, the situation began to change. That being the case, Milei’s government has already received an informal message from some legislators, who let Interior Minister Guillermo Francos know that there will be clear signs, even if they come at the last minute in Congress.

On Tuesday at noon, minutes before Francos met with the governors from Argentina’s central region, the minister talked to the press. “We always have comings and goings. We receive modifications and proposals, but there comes a time when the drafting has to end,” he said.

“I spent four months talking about the Omnibus Law,” Francos acknowledged. “We’re very optimistic that we can actually pass it.”

He insisted: “We’re getting closer to the agreements, in general we’re closer.”

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Ramón Indart

Ramón Indart


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