POLITICS: CORRIDORS OF POWER Santiago Caputo’s consecutive errors, government accelerates campaign mode 05-03-2025 10:25 Run of missteps by Javier Milei’s star spin doctor causes problems for the President. by Ramón Indart
POLLING – ANALYSIS Milei on alert over Karina’s performance in polls 16-10-2024 14:32 Argentina’s government was shocked by numbers that have emerged from surveys conducted in Buenos Aires Province showing many voters would not even consider voting for President Javier Milei’s sister. by Ramón Indart
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Milei’s government seizes on Fernández scandal to govern in silence 15-08-2024 17:54 Fabiola Yáñez’s allegations of gender violence against Alberto Fernández continues to have ramifications beyond the media. As Peronism tries to buy some time, President Javier Milei, his economic team and expert “deregulator” Federico Sturzenegger are issuing decrees all round. by Ramón Indart
POLITICS Sychophants versus dissidents: Milei’s hard core faces internal criticism 25-07-2024 14:57 The battle with Vice-President Victoria Villarruel has triggered libertarian alarms. The difference with second line attacks. Can someone argue with and challenge President Milei? by Ramón Indart
POLITICS Milei focuses on legislative agenda, including Supreme Court Nominations 17-07-2024 12:54 Government preparing 'Ficha Limpia' (Clean Record) bill and another to lower age of criminal responsibility. by Ramón Indart
POVERTY IN THE CAPITAL Crisis creating 300 more homeless each month in Buenos Aires City 17-07-2024 06:57 The number of people sleeping rough in the nation’s capital is rising by 10% a month, according to Buenos Aires City Security Minister Waldo Wolff. by Ramón Indart
POLITICS Crisis at Human Capital Ministry: abrupt exits and resignations 24-04-2024 16:18 Legal Secretary Maximiliano Keczeli not the first from Sandra Pettovello’s inner circle to quit post, but he is perhaps the most important figure to have stepped down. Milei’s ‘protective umbrella’ and administrative overspills. by Ramón Indart
POLITICS Group of Unión por la Patria deputies to back Milei’s Omnibus bill 17-04-2024 16:40 "Yes to the law, no to the Emergency Decree." Sources in Peronist caucus say some deputies – who will not make their stance public for now – will back President Milei’s reform bill in Congress. by Ramón Indart
POLITICS Milei's ‘Bermuda triangle’ stalks government officials 20-03-2024 22:02 The three members of Javier Milei’s inner circle have the authority to bounce any Cabinet member they see fit – and there have already been nine top-level exits in the first three months of the president’s term. by Ramón Indart
AUSTERITY FUNDING ROW Milei detonates relationship with governors and opens up a war 27-02-2024 21:00 Provincial debt under the spotlight has made the governors seek allies. Who are in the deepest holes? Will the mega-decree be overturned? by Ramón Indart
Politics CFK seeks to reorder her lawmakers for Milei’s first political test 04-01-2024 15:18 Former vice-president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner believes that the formation of the Bicameral Commission to halt the presidential emergency decree is urgent while sending a message to the rest of Peronism to reorder its ranks and joshing about the ex-president’s festivities in Spain. by Ramón Indart
POLITICS Scioli? Royón? Government officials who might stay on with Milei 04-12-2023 18:53 Besides retaining Argentina's Ambassador to Brazil, veteran Peronist Daniel Scioli, current Energy Secretary Flavia Royón might be appointed the head of the Mining Secretariat. Questions remain about Migrations, the AFIP Tax Office and Customs. by Ramón Indart
'YACHTGATE' SCANDAL The power of gambling: Insaurralde’s fall a body blow to bingo circles 07-10-2023 06:07 Betting kingpins fear that their well-oiled mechanisms with Lottery chief Omar Galdurralde, who responds to the Lomas boss, will collapse. Why Axel Kicillof accepted him in his Cabinet. by Ramón Indart
ELECTION 2023 Javier Milei’s team wobbles on candidate's toughest proposals 28-09-2023 15:00 Dollarising and eliminating federal revenue-sharing, an educational voucher, the “union caste” and closing down the CONICET National Scientific and Technical Research Council – many points the outspoken libertarian candidate suggested as essential are now in doubt. Has his proximity to power changed the setting? by Ramón Indart
ELECTIONS 2023 Chubut the latest upset in a semester full of strong Peronist defeats 31-07-2023 16:52 Fall of Peronism in Chubut Province marks a trend worrying Sergio Massa. The biggest surprises and open scenarios. by Ramón Indart
PASO PRIMARIES Milei becoming Peronism's only chance of making it to run-off 19-07-2023 17:16 Libertarian lawmaker is the key for the ruling party to make run-off. Analysts agree that government must divide the opposition vote to have a chance. by Ramón Indart
ELECTIONS 2023 – ANALYSIS Has support for Milei reached a ceiling? 13-06-2023 16:09 The libertarian lawmaker’s brand remains strong but support for his presidential candidacy is failing to translate to his local representatives in the provincial ballots. Has Javier Milei’s support hit a ceiling? by Ramón Indart
FOOTBALL BETTING Gambling firms cash in as sports betting encroaches on football 27-04-2023 14:31 A breakdown of the main companies and provincial governments collecting the most taxes from betting. Are football matches in Argentina fixed? How has online gambling changed the industry? by Ramón Indart
ANALYSIS Alberto steps down early, shifting focus to PASO primaries 22-04-2023 18:35 Argentina’s economic crisis accelerated the president’s announcement. The polls did not even give him a chance. He insists on the PASO primaries but, for now, no-one is echoing his request. by Ramón Indart
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Without time, desire nor margin, Peronism resigns itself to a PASO 29-03-2023 14:11 Unless there is a surprise move, Peronism is resigned to face – for the first time since their creation – a Simultaneous and Compulsory Open Primary (PASO). by Ramón Indart
ANALYSIS Alberto, the solitary president who ‘resists with endurance’ 11-10-2022 14:25 The president set about his latest Cabinet reshuffle on his own. He did not want to pick up the phone and generate a consensus on key portfolios such as Social Development and Labour. by Ramón Indart