ANALYSING ARGENTINA Exit rigging, enter RIGI 08-03-2025 06:00 Argentina has, many times in its recent past, seen long-term sustainability ruined by short-term objectives. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Flooding the zone might drown the Milei administration 01-03-2025 05:24 The fragility of Argentina’s economy demands sobriety and steadiness — something that zone-flooders may lack as they attempt to sow confusion. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Milei’s long honeymoon is over, what happens next? 22-02-2025 06:32 For the first time since December 2023, Milei and his people lost control of the narrative … more than ever, Milei now relies on the success of his economic programme. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Cavallo, Milei and the elephant in the room 15-02-2025 06:08 Besides numbers, markets measure moods and tones. And the tone they got from President Javier Milei this week may not have been reassuring. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Can Kicillof break the spell? 08-02-2025 06:11 If the current political trajectory stands, Kicillof would face an uphill battle … but Argentina has shown in recent years that "impossible" is not in the local political dictionary. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Macri is fighting for his life – he will lose 01-02-2025 08:48 Mauricio Macri is making a desperate attempt to keep his political structure alive — and under his wing. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Milei’s learning curve 25-01-2025 06:48 Milei’s learning curve should take note from his predecessors: too much orthodoxy or unorthodoxy leads to trouble. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Latin America ducks and covers for Trump – except Milei 18-01-2025 06:37 With expected good access to the new White House, it will be up to Milei and his team to distinguish personal ideology from national interest and act accordingly. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Main Street and Milei Street 11-01-2025 06:26 any process of economic transformation, like the one President Javier Milei is trying to implement, will have winners and losers. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina May you live in happy times, Mr President 04-01-2025 07:54 Much of this success hinges on the Pax at the exchange rate market. Prices in Argentina dance to the tune of one price: that of the US dollar. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Milei, Reagan and the 20% enemy rule 21-12-2024 05:07 President Milei seems to be inverting Ronald Reagan’s equation – as in, disagree 20 percent of the time with me, and you are 80 percent my enemy. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Year one: Milei surpassed expectations, but now faces high ones 07-12-2024 06:51 The question of whether Milei will be an anecdote or a new force that defines an era will largely begin to be answered in 2025. First and foremost, it will depend on the economy, and second — but by no means less important — on the midterm elections in October. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Milei and nothing but Milei 30-11-2024 05:12 If the opposition wants to challenge the President, the best they could do is to try something radically different. This is exactly what Milei did when he launched his political career. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Milei and his Doppelganger 23-11-2024 06:00 There may be two Javier Mileis. One lives on Planet Earth and engages with people he said he loathed, and another fights fantasy battles in a parallel reality on social media. Which one will prevail? by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Milei, in the best of all possible worlds 16-11-2024 05:00 Everywhere he looks, Javier Milei sees good news, which he takes as confirmation that he has chosen the right path. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Welcome to the New Political Order 09-11-2024 06:01 Trump’s victory and the Brexit referendum in 2016 marked the first significant political manifestations of a change of order. Trump’s impressive comeback this week appears to solidify it further. The next question is where President Javier Milei fits into this puzzle. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Milei’s magical thinking about a Trump victory 02-11-2024 07:38 Argentina — or Latin America, for that matter — will not be an immediate priority for any incoming US administration, though Milei may leverage his ideological rapport with a potential President Trump. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA The Caputos spread their tentacles over the Mileis 26-10-2024 05:37 Not so long ago, two Caputos in Milei's inner circle seemed one too many. But now, Santiago and Luis Caputo are working closely in tandem. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Milei the Great or Milei the Footnote? 19-10-2024 06:44 The problems Argentina faces are too big and too enduring for anyone to solve alone, especially when alienating much of the rest of the world. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Milei’s deserved but premature celebration 12-10-2024 06:09 If two highly sensitive issues like pensions and universities fail to gather the two-thirds majority needed to overturn vetoes, President Milei can rest assured that his executive powers will remain intact for another year. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Will Cristina Fernández de Kirchner attempt a comeback? 05-10-2024 06:21 As Otto von Bismarck famously said, “politics is the art of the possible.” by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA No future for Milei 28-09-2024 06:33 President Milei’s first speech at the UN General Assembly was the latest example of the many fruitless symbolic battles that Argentina’s 21st-century Don Quixote chooses to fight to feed his foundational ego trip. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Milei’s Bermuda Triangle 21-09-2024 06:31 Milei’s political future lies within a triangle defined by inflation, approval ratings, and unemployment. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Javier Milei in the real world of the Lilliputians 14-09-2024 05:51 There may be nothing more “caste” than a group of deputies who vote one way one day and another way a few weeks later. But Milei knows that some elements of the caste are more useful than others, depending on which side of the political equation they fall. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Decisions Milei refuses to make 07-09-2024 05:52 Milei will eventually pay the political price for the decisions he fails to make today. His current popularity, buoyed by the perception that recession is the lesser evil compared to rampant inflation, won’t last forever. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Milei fighting with himself 17-08-2024 06:40 The scandal surrounding former president Alberto Fernández and his ex-partner, former first lady Fabiola Yáñez, seems to confirm Milei’s campaign truism that the country’s politicians were not only inept but also morally bankrupt. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Milei’s mirror: Ireland or Nigeria? 10-08-2024 05:37 The RIGI scheme places Argentina closer to a category that experts call an enclave economy, one in which some sectors boom but the larger public is not necessarily attached to the benefits. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA A tale of two economists 03-08-2024 14:08 The name RIGI is notably similar to the LNG bill sponsored by the Peronists last year: Regime for Major Investment Incentives. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA International media dig into the B-side of the Milei promise 27-07-2024 14:27 Little by little, the news about Argentina in the world’s business capitals is becoming less shiny than it was a few months ago. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Milei’s useless fight against gravity 23-07-2024 15:05 Milei has two economic jobs: lowering inflation and getting the economy going. So far, he is halfway through the first goal and nowhere with the second. All eyes are on Economy Minister Luis Caputo, whose job will be on the line if this latest scheme fails. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA What if Milei is wrong about the economy? 13-07-2024 07:50 Hard currency is the Achilles’ heel of the Milei programme, as it was for his predecessors in office. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Milei now needs to fly domestic 06-07-2024 05:31 Provincial governors are getting Milei’s message: that they are largely on their own now and need to adapt. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Milei, Messi, and how to be the best in the world 29-06-2024 04:16 Milei continues to claim that his ministers are “the best ever.” Until they are not, as his former friend and Cabinet Chief Nicolás Posse can attest. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Milei’s future: back to the past? 22-06-2024 05:01 While it is crucial for the government to attract investments from various sources, the nature of the country’s insertion in the global economy will depend on Milei’s alliances. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Milei at a turning point 15-06-2024 06:34 At this point, six months into office, Milei knows he needs to get something out of Congress, no matter exactly what that “something” is. Progress, not perfection. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Re-election for Milei will require recalibration 08-06-2024 05:56 Investors, domestic and abroad, continue to have hopes that Milei will deliver … They are suddenly seeing red flags everywhere. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA What if Milei has no clothes on? 01-06-2024 05:03 Milei’s economic programme does not have the luxury of letting the flame of hope die out. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Gulliver Milei needs to engage with the Lilliputians 25-05-2024 06:23 Even the Lilliputians in Jonathan Swift’s 'Gulliver’s Travels' were clever enough to feed their giant alien visitor before using him for their own advantage. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA RIGI and the ‘frack, baby, frack’ consensus 18-05-2024 06:15 Argentina is not alone in the region in debating what to do with its resources or how the market and the government should engage with one another. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Elon Musk meets José Mayans 11-05-2024 06:27 RIGI is the most beneficial regime ever created in the country for foreign investors and it is causing a divide among foreign and local businesses. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina The dawn of a new Milei? 04-05-2024 05:40 Javier Milei has come to terms with the idea that he cannot continue to go it alone with his reform programme by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Five dogs and a million reds 27-04-2024 05:43 The government puts itself at risk by acting as if everything the President says is true, while Milei runs the risk of believing everything he sees on his social media feed. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Is Milei feeling the fear? 20-04-2024 06:45 Milei’s government needs to pass legislation, something it has not been able to do in its first four-and-a-half months in office. Congressional approval would be an indication to Argentines and foreign observers alike that he means business. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Why Javier Milei needs to be a bit like Néstor Kirchner 13-04-2024 05:40 Even though he may hate the sound of it, the lessons of the Kirchner dynasty – whose political fadeout is largely responsible for Milei’s meteoric rise to power – could help the President. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Is President Milei growing in stature? 06-04-2024 06:39 Argentina’s president is exercising power fully, even as he continues to learn how the dynamics of it works. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Who wants to ‘exploit’ Argentina? 30-03-2024 06:43 The business establishment, here and abroad, are keeping a close eye on whether Milei and his team can deliver on governance – and whether they can do it soon. by Marcelo J. García
Analysing Argentina Another 100 days of solitude? 23-03-2024 06:30 If Javier Milei insists on tragedy, he might kill Argentina’s democracy – or vice-versa. He does not need to. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Pax cambiaria, pax mafiosa? 16-03-2024 06:45 Inflation and crime are at the top of President Javier Milei’s agenda. Both will test his libertarian approach to problem-solving. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA The elusive goal Milei needs to score 09-03-2024 06:14 Javier Milei's government knows that should the president’s popularity sink further, his power to impose reform on “the caste” would wane significantly. by Marcelo J. García
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Are two Caputos one too many for Milei? 02-03-2024 05:25 Foreign observers and investors welcome that Milei is a man on a mission to turn Argentina into a more open, more pro-market economy … but they don’t like conflict as the end itself, nor the Casa Rosada’s unwillingness to compromise. by Marcelo J. García